NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Dtd this morning.. I pulled my shoulder/neck last week brushing my hair (lol) and it had got a little better and I woke up this morning in agony but needed to dtd as we haven't for ages. Lol it was a traumatic experience hahaha hurt my shoulder and neck soo bad. Then afterwards I was like get off my shoulder owwwwww. So all spermies fell out anyway. Oh dear lol!
Haven't done uni work all week cause of it and wont be able to today now either. I hope I get given some good docs anyway today! (If i can get up as its agony everytime i move). I can't take ibuprofen as makes my asthma worse. Been taking a tablet with codeine, paracetemol and caffeine in but need something stronger. I never knew a pulled muscle could hurt this bad!!! Xx
So im cd19 today.. Anywhere between 2-4dpo... Wish i new for certain.. So going with 3 haha!

Boringggggg lol x
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AWW you poor thing!

Hope the docs can give you did decent pain killers

Oooh Millie that sounds so painful hope it heals soon for you xx
Aaah Millie hope you get your shoulder sorted :/
CD15 today. Fertility Friend tells me I should ovulate today, but I got most of my pains on Tuesday evening and hardly any yesterday, so I'm wondering if I ov'd then. Going to go with FF for now cos I'm not really sure so today is OV day :) xx
I'm on CD10 today.

If seems so near and yet so far!

Going to start my opks today.

I didn't do them last month so I have poas withdrawal!!

CD12 here, 2 dpo nothing much else to report really, count down to testing! :)
Haha doh yes I mistyped! I am CD 15! !
No symptom spotting.

I will be totally unable not to symptom spot but I'll do my best!

I have already started to ss at 2 dpo! ! Haha I can do the not testing early bit but not ss is so difficult as you can't turn your brain off!!
Yep! I said when I joined this thread that I know I'll let the side down as I won't be able to not as.

But after the crazy lines leading to af fiasco we've all had last cycle I think I can hold off with testing early!

Just did an Amazon order for supplies for next month as first Clomid month.
Ordered digi ov tests
Mooncup to stop spermies coming out
Yes baby lube
Digi hpts

Also going to have epo and grapefruit juice and have brazil nuts and pineapple core to help inplantation!
Only cd12 of this cycle but I can't wait for next to get properly started!! :) xxx
Wow, that's quite a haul of baby making stuff!! Hehe I might research foods that help implantation. X
I've not even ovd yet and the ss is kicking in lol xx
Hi Girls
Just catching up with everyone,
had a stressful week as my hubby doing jury service for 6 weeks, he is normally a stay at home dad and works weekends, so I have had to put my little boy in childcare as I work full time
He has been devastated all week and wont stop cyring as soon as I pick him up he keeps saying I don't like nursery please don't take me to nursery, and he says it as soon as he wakes up, his eyes are so red and puffy from crying all week
I'm heartbroken for him :cry:

Anyway sorry I got off the subject of TTC, Dawn and Claire and Dani, wow in the 2ww already, hope it goes quick for you all and can't wait to see lots of BFPs
Im way behind at only CD6, should Ovulate next weekend, but going to try to DTD a few times next week up to OV
Got Preeseed and OPks on order, hope they come on time!! xxxxx

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