No MW yet....grrr!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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I'm feeling like I have just been forgotten. Stupid NHS. Saw the doc at 6wks and he sent details to the hosp and told me MW would be in touch. Now 9wks3d and have not heard a jot! I rang them yesterday and some idiot at the dr's office said to me "Oh... were you expecting some results then?" erm....NO I'm PREGNANT. JUST WANT TO HEAR FROM THE MIDWIFE RE: MY BOOKING IN APPOINTMENT!! then he said "the dr has booked you in". But the dr didnt do anything but send my details (name and EDC basically) to the hosp. I told Mr.stupid the receptionist this. He said "actually he didn't send them to the MW , he sent them to the obstetrician" At this point I am getting very aggravated. "Surely it's the same department??!" I ask. Mr. Stupid the Receptionist still doesn't seem to have a clue but ENSURES me confidently that someone will call me by the end of the day. Did they?! NO! I made sure they had all my numbers, but no calls and no messages. I really don't want to be a fussy patient but I need to see the MW sooner rather than later as I have some heriditary genetic issues to discuss. How I am supposed to do this if i cant even contact them? Should I call the epu at the hospital? Has anyone else had similar problems? BTW am based in North London.

Asma - I think you might be able to offer me some advice as I was offered the Royal Free/Whittington/UCH and chose Whittington as it's slightly closer - should I have said the Royal Free??
that must be so annoying. Im 9 weeks tomorrow and im frustrated because no ones in a rush to see me either.
They dont seem to care that we have our worries and questions this is such a massive thing to us and to them its just work, which is fine i just wish they'd be more understanding and even sympathetic to some extent.
I dont really have any advice because im in the same situation all i would say is keep getting on at them dont let them forget it sounds like the sort of thing that you will have to sort yourself if there not being very helpfull.
Good luck and i'd be interested to know how you get on :hug: :hug: xx
Hospitals seem to be very confused...
If I were you i'd call the EPU coz chances are if u dont get them to fix it, they wont. I don't know about the Royal Free, I went to the EPU there but my antenatal care is under St Thomas's Hospital for now and then i'm gonna change it to UCH (long story). Right now i'm living about 10 mins from Royal free but from what i've heard, there post natal care aint all that so I chose elizabeth garrett. And Royal Free lost my notes as well lol so I had to explain everything again at the EPU. Just keep bothering, they wont think ur a fussy patient at all, there the ones in the wrong not u!
I have the same thing going on. I saw my GP at 5 weeks who said he would refer me to the MW and haven't heard a thing. Rang the GP surgery to make sure paperwork had been sent etc which they said they had done and that if I still hadn't heard anything in a week or so, to ring my local maternity hospital! Very frustrating - it would be nice just to have something to look forward to!
Thanks guys.

At least I'm not the only one in this boat. I'm going to ring the epu tomorrow to see what's the deal. So hard finding time to ring up though - I have to hide in my cupboard at work and whisper!! :lol:
My doc told me he wouldn't contact the midwifes until I was at least 10 weeks and even then its up to them to contact me after that. I'm supposed to be going on holiday in two weeks time, I just hope I see them before I go.

It so frustrating isn't it, I hope you hear from them soon.
I'm in the same boat. Told the dr at 5 weeks, and he said I should be seeing the MW at about 10 weeks. Well I'm 9+4 but still not heard a peep from the MW! Think I'll phone up tomorrow and have a go at them :?
I saw my doc at 5 weeks, she told me the midwife would probably call me at about 10 weeks. She actually ended up calling 3 days later & I booked in at 6 weeks, but as far as I can tell lots of people don't hear until 10 weeks.

It's bad really, it's the time in your pregnancy you feel most confused & vulnerable & they just abandon you. :(
Hey girls sorry to invade hehe..

but i'm in situation, went to docs at 6weeks, she said your midwife will contact you, and do a house visit between 9-11weeks.. NOTHING..

i'm now 16weeks 1day, and i've tried gettin hold of her several times, as i'm due tests this week,

dont wait for them to contact you, myther them till they come to your house, or make an appointment, honestly, because you'll get put to bk of list, aslong as your fine, they feel they dont need to check,

please ring them girls.. dont let them take mic out of you xxx
I had a nightmare with mine.... I went to see the doc at 6 weeks and was told to just make a MW appointment on the way out. I did that and got in for 9 weeks.

When I got there the MW was off and the stand in told me she would pass my details to the regular one to give me a call to make a booking in app. two weeks later I'd not heard anything so I called the docs and was told that the MW hadn't been in since so hadn't even got the message. I ended up calling my hospital maternity unit to see if they could help and they passed me through the local community MW head office and they passed my message on.

I eventually got my first meeting and my booking in app 1 day before i hit 12 weeks!!!!
Have called them for the THIRD time this evening. Again... I am promised someone will call me back. This is getting beyond a joke. :wall:

Anyway, I am being proactive and have booked myself a private scan for next week. It will be 100 pounds which is more than I can afford (but I am not going out drinking anymore so figured I was saving a bit there :rotfl: , but, as my mum says "I am acknowledging my anxieties" (she's a counsellor) and doing something about it!!

I might be able to pay for a scan but that's not going to give me the blood and urine tests, or the opportunity to air my concerns over the genetic disorder I might be carrying, is it??!!

RANT RANT RANT. Apologies but :evil:

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