Still no MW!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Well...........after my rubbish appointment last week when the MW didn't turn up and the stand in MW said she couldn't book me in because my appointment wasn't long enough so she'd pass my details to the usual MW and get her to call me, I left it a week and called the MW at the surgery yesterday and left a message asking for them to ask her to call me.

By 5pm I still hadn't had a call so I rang the surgery to chase it up and find out what time I should expect the call from the MW only to be told that she hadn't turned up AGAIN!!!! They 'think' she must be annual leave because they'd been trying to call her all day and couldn't get any answer from her!

I'm away on holiday next week so won't be able to see her and the week I get back I'll be 11 weeks when I finally get any contact with her. assuming it'll be at least a couple of weeks before I can get an appointment to see her that will make me 13 weeks before I get my first MW booking in appointment!

At the rate it's going I'll have had the baby before i get to see a MW

the doctors did suggest that I could call the maternity unit at the hospital and ask to be assigned to a MW from there instead of a community MW but I'm nost sure what the differences would be.

Have any of you had a hospital MW instead of a community one? Did you just have to go to the hospital for your MW appointments rather than them coming to your home or was it much difference??

Sorry you are not having much luck :hug:

If you sign up to the hospital you have to go there for all your appointments. Lots of women do so. I'm not sure you'll be sure of seeing the same MW or two however.

Your community MW may or may not make home visits. Mine never does until birth time. Nor did my old one in my previous district. I always went to the GP's surgery to see them. I preferred this tbh as it meant there was a little running late but nothing major. I also had to book my own appointments with my old MW, every time I saw her she would tell me how many weeks till I needed to see her again. I booked on the way out. With my new MW she contacted me and made the initial appointment and every time I see her she arranges my next appointment rather than the receptionist.

I'd not worry overly if you want to stick with the community one. Waiting to 11 weeks is ok. Really, they don't do much before then anyways honestly. If you are worried about anything in the meantime you could always go see your GP. Mine was wonderful when I had bleeding in first and second tri and the MW was working elsewhere so not available to see. If not give the hospital a call and see when and if they will see you.
What a pain that you've had to go through all this.
Just wanted to let you know that i see my midwife at our maternity unit, and i have two midwifes as my main point of contact but also can speak to anyone else at the department. For me i have found this to be the best way as i can have appointments at anytime that suit me and hubby 24/7 which is a great help (I wouldnt have got a sunday appointment at the doctors!).
I hope that you are able to sort something soon.
Where I live you have most of your ante natal care at the hospital. I saw the community midwife at around 8 weeks but all she did was take my blood pressure and made me an appointment for when I was 28 weeks. I think then the community midwifes take over.

I booked in at the hospital and went there for ante natal appointments and blood tests etc. I am not sure what happens at 28 weeks because I didnt make it last time (I lost my baby at almost 24 weeks) but this time I am having all my care at the hospital, and I will be seeing the head of midwifery for each appointment for continuity of care and also so I dont have to keep repeating my history to a different person every time I go.

I know its frustrating that you dont have a midwife yet, but they dont really do much at this early stage anyway, like the other ladies have said give the ante natal unit at the hospital a call, they should be able to reassure you and explain how it all works in your area.

Tracey xx

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