no more work for me....

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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I've been off work sick for a little while with sciatica back pain and went to see doc again today and he has told me to take another 2 weeks. Which brings me up to my maternity leave start date! So i'm freeeeeeeeee.
It's quite a scary thought really! I decided to take my mat leave as early as possible because i'd been suffering with back pain and low bp and thought it's be easier to go asap. And now i'm not going back!!!

So yay! More PF for me :D
Excellent news! Come and join the "lady of leisure" club :cheer:
Lucky you :cheer: Let us know how you get on / if you get bored / what you do to fill your days. I'm sooo looking forward to being off but worried I'll get bored and end up eating and spending loads!
:dance: lucky you - i cant wait for my maternity leave!!!
:cheer: yay-lucky you-i'm counting down the weeks until i finish work (not the days yet cos there's too many!!!!)
:cheer: enjoy - its amazing where the time goes when you do nothing all day!

I start maternity leave at 29 weeks - can't wait :D
Yeh 29 weeks is when technically mine begins :)
It's been good so far - i've had a couple of weeks off sick before today but always thought i'd go back.
I do get bored sometimes but generally i find things to do - as i'm living with my mum i don't have housework as such to do but i find myself cleaning and tidying and ironing whenever i get the chance!
Plus i'm on here a lot :p

OOOH and i got some painting stuff and i'm painting a picture. Well technically i'm copying a monet painting, lol, but it's filling the time. Lol.

I've also got my OU course to do so fingers crossed i won;t get too bored.

I CAN'T WAIT until it's warm enough to sit outside all the time!!!! wooooo
I know what you mean about it being warm out - I keep thinking how mice and healthy and tanned I'll look after spending matty leave sunbathing, then all those nice long walks in summer when baby's here 8)

Friends with children already think I'm being a tad overambitious about getting out with a new baby - but hey, I can dream :D

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