Maternity leave...

I'm gonna be leaving at 32 weeks but have 4 weeks holiday so will be 36 weeks when my maternity pay starts then will be going back around march time. Can't wait to leave already :lol:
I'm leaving at 37 weeks exactly, I wish I was leaving earlier, but like most of you girls I want more time with my baby and need my wages! I have used all my holiday up so that I have every thurs and fri off so I only do a 3 day week.

I thought i'd be really bored staying at home but i'm so tired on my 2 days off I spend most of it sleeping!
I'm officially starting mat leave at 38 weeks but I'm leaving at 32 and using up my whole years annual leave.

I'm taking a year off I think
I'm going to leave at 30 weeks :cheer: I really enjoy my job but it can be quite stressful and the office is so so so hot I struggle to cope already. I constantly have the fan on and have to go outside to cool off. I would not survive through the summer. I'm looking forward to having a couple of months to myself and enjoying the summer before the LO arrives :D
I'm taking 52 weeks maternity leave so I don't feel too selfish for having a couple of months to myself :)
when i was in tri 2 i was convinced i wouldnt start my maternity leave until 2 wks b4 my due date but since tri 3 im thinking of making it 2 weeks earlier than that as tri 3 is very tiring, it just creeps up on you, so if i was you i would keep an open mind to it
Im going to finish at 32 weeks

Im already struggling in work....
Im a nurse so im on my feet basically for my whole shift...

My back hurts and my ribs hurt now.. and it just makes it worse!

I get bored easily though so im going to HATE being at home
im finishing 2 weeks before im due...

i would have liked to have finished sooner, but the sooner i finish, the less time ill have with bubba when he/she arrives!
i had planned to work until i popped, then i started getting really tired being on my feet all day, but now they're put me in cash office so i'm sat down for a lot of it, im gonna see how that goes but tbh if i keep feeling tired, and having to listen to everyone gossip about what baby daddy is up to then i may leave earlier, i only work weekends so i'll prob be ok with the actualy work side of things, im jsutn ot sure how much of hte stress i can take lol. On the bright side i just realised i should get more maternity paid leave then i thought i would yay
I start mat leave at 29 weeks, but I've been off sick for about a month already due to fainting :wall:

I had hoped to leave as late as possible to spend time with baby but its not quite worked out like that. But i'm not bored yet :) and its not long till summer :D
I'm hoping too work till I feel I cant anymore. Mainly due to that I have only just got the job and its extremely quiet compared to what I'm used to also I know my boss would never let me do anything that could compromise mine or my baby's health. Its not the job itself that tires me out its the walk back too the car because its all uphill! I swear its only hard because I'm so unfit though so its making me think that I really need the exercise! :D
Thanks guys for your comments! very helpful...think I've decided to leave at 32 weeks :dance: have 4 weeks annual leave and then mat leave start at 36 weeks :dance: I was sent home from work today with my back, the pain was too much. It would be fine if I was able to sit but as I'm a .... on the wards I can't really. So think today decided it for me! Hooray!!
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Just a quick question.

Do I need any forms or anything signed from the m/w to give to my boss for my mat leave?

He was asking me today when I will be leaving and I have no idea as I don't know how I'll feel at 29 weeks.

It's a fairly physical job so don't know how long I'll actually be able to work for but want to leave it later if possible, struggling a little already as my back is playing up and finding it hard going driving along bumpy country roads and getting in and out of a van (I'm a delivery driver).

Do I have to decide now?
Do I need any forms or anything signed from the m/w to give to my boss for my mat leave?

you will need your Mat 1B form, you get that from your midwife at about 26 weeks ish (i think).

I don't know when you have to let them know the exact date you want to leave, check your company policy on that.

mandspice said:
I'm starting mine around 37 weeks but will have at least 3 weeks holiday to take beforehand so about 34 weeks.....I would stay a little later but I have to commute and am getting fed up with it already! x

me too! hoping to take a year off work ....yippeee
I am officially starting my maternity leave at 39 weeks - but have 5 weeks holiday which I can't roll over or get paid for - so will be leaving at 34 weeks. And having the full year off. Woohoo. The week I'vehad I can't blooming wait!!!

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