Maternity leave...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Have you all decided when you're going on maternity leave? DH wants me to start at 32 weeks, but I was like, I'm gonna get so bored for 2 months before bubba pops, but now I'm coming round more and more to the idea of it... :think:

I think DH is being objective, I mean I'm already getting lots of back pain and have been for the last 3/4 weeks and I commute an hour and a half one way to work so he thinks it's best for me. hmm, decisions, decisions!!

How did you decide on when to finish? What were the factors in you deciding??? Is the thought of boredom a bad reason to finish early if it's the only reason?

Helen :D
i'm planning on starting mat 2 weeks b4 due date, but have 5 weeks holidy to take as well. i think i might be a little bored, but Wimbeldon will be on to amuse me. Also it will be getting warmer (i hope) and i will be getting bigger so not a good combo IMO.

OOOOOH I forgot about wimbledon!!!!!! I love wimbledon, ooh, that is now even more appealing...hmm :think:
I don't start mat leave till I am 38 weeks - well I stop teaching at 26 but we have 2 weeks hols that I will get paid for so technically I am working till 38 weeks.

Its up to u personally - less time u take before the baby then the more time u will have after. But u may struggle. I am starting to struggle now tbh :(

reason I am working till when I am is cos I am in my probation year teaching and I have to do a year. If I do more now then I have less to make up after the baby is born. I travel too and it is probably the hardest part but also at the moment the prep for my lessons is getting difficult too. I also have to leave work for all my classes when I leave and thats killing me :(
I'm pretty sure i'll start mine on June 2nd which will make me 34 weeks, i'll be taking the first two weeks as holidays though. I originally wanted to work until 38 weeks but now after spending 2 + hours a day on Londons public transport I've changed my mind.

Alex xxx
Your OH sounds like a gem! Bless him, it's really nice of him to think of you like that :)

Well, me... If all goes to plan I will be starting my maternity leave 5 days before my due date. A few factors are;

- I work literally a 3 minute drive from my house
- It's an office job so I'd be sitting at home or sitting at work
- My mum (birthing partner) works 10 minutes drive down the road
- As a single mum, I'm going to need all the time and money I can get for as long as possible.

So if I do go into labour during work, I'm not far from home :)

I will add though, I feel that my decision to work so close to my due date is purely that I feel as though I HAVE to rather than wanting to! Believe me, if I could financially do it, I'd leave about 32 weeks... xx
Hi, I'm starting mine at 34 weeks but I'm a teacher and am finishing at the half term so actually start at 33 weeks. I decided that based on how shattered I'm getting already and that when I'm that big there'll be certain things I'll struggle with based on the school and my timetable. Also finishing at a half term makes it easier for them to find maternity cover. I think if I left it much later than that I'd constantly be worried about going into labour in the middle of a lesson! I also get the bus back from work and don't fancy doing that too late on!
I'm starting mine at 35 weeks. I'm a teacher too and wanted it to be on a holiday so it was easier for the school , but if I'd gone up to the spring bank one I'd be 38 weeks and i guessed that would be hard work consdering how much I am on my feet all day.
At 35 weeks it will be bank holiday weekend so the school suggested I did that instead. i'm glad i decided not to go up to 38 weeks. I'm only 27 weeks now and already I'm fed up!! i suppose it depends on your job and how your pregnancy is going. Some people work right up to their due date and are fine and others finish early.

good luck with your decision. :D
I teach in reception and despite the fact sitting on those tiny chairs is torture with a big bump im hoping to work till 36/37 week. Its falls abit naff for me as schools break up a week before im due so i will loose out on my hol pay but there you go! It is good in a way as im having a year off so go back next july for 3 weeks then off for another 6 :dance:

A bit of advice, with my 1st i finished 8 weeks before and was bored silly! Mind you, some people have to finish early if they have back problems etc.

I'm starting mine around 37 weeks but will have at least 3 weeks holiday to take beforehand so about 34 weeks.....I would stay a little later but I have to commute and am getting fed up with it already! x
I literally can't stand my job anymore, if I weren't pregnant I would've walked out by now. Our boss had a huge, and very unfair rant at me and my team on Friday and I ended bursting into tears as soon as I turned away to go, it's not all the hormones though, I'm genuinely at the end of my tether, stressed out and unappreciated there.

I'm going to leave as early as I can, and DH is totally behind me not going back to work, so I definitely won't be returning there. I think I'll leave at 30 weeks, I'll be off for the summer, my lovely MIL and SIL will both be on summer holidays so I think I'll be well looked after and entertained. I feel awful leaving so early after reading your comments, but I just don't think I can stick it out there.
Just thought I'd add that I'm resigning from my job so it doesn't matter about me having more time afterwards if I leave later, etc :dance: I can't wait to leave, I love my job but I just can't stand the commute anymore and don't think I can physically do it once little one is here as it's an hour and a half each way.

I have found it interesting reading all of your comments and man there's so many different factors to take into account.

Hmm :think: I'm coming round more to the idea of starting mat leave at 36-38 weeks but taking 4 weeks annual leave before then so finishing 4 weeks earlier. Having said that, my mum, MIL, SIL, and some friends are all teachers so am sure I won't get bored...

Think I'm closer to making my decision than I was this morning!!! :dance:

Nickyb have a few hugs from me :hug: :hug: :hug: I do understand what it's like wanting to leave and having enough, I felt like that last year on one of my rotations. I don't blame you at all and if I was in that situation I'd do exactly the same :hug:
NickyB said:
I literally can't stand my job anymore, if I weren't pregnant I would've walked out by now. Our boss had a huge, and very unfair rant at me and my team on Friday and I ended bursting into tears as soon as I turned away to go, it's not all the hormones though, I'm genuinely at the end of my tether, stressed out and unappreciated there.

I'm going to leave as early as I can, and DH is totally behind me not going back to work, so I definitely won't be returning there. I think I'll leave at 30 weeks, I'll be off for the summer, my lovely MIL and SIL will both be on summer holidays so I think I'll be well looked after and entertained. I feel awful leaving so early after reading your comments, but I just don't think I can stick it out there.
I completely understand, I hate my job and I hate the people that own it. I feel like I'm doing them a favour staying and that aggrevates me.

I don't want to return either but I've heard that you have to go back for a month or something to get the maternity pay otherwise you have to pay it all back to the company? Is this true?

Anyway, I say good on you for sticking it out. If I could afford to, I'd leave at the earliest convenience! xx
Yay, I didn't think anyone would understand!

Dannii, you onlt have to stay or pay anything back if your company pays anything over and above the SMP. If youo company only gives you the six weeks at 90% followed by the remainder at £115 per week, then you can leave comittment free - I hope that's good news!
NickyB said:
Yay, I didn't think anyone would understand!

Dannii, you onlt have to stay or pay anything back if your company pays anything over and above the SMP. If youo company only gives you the six weeks at 90% followed by the remainder at £115 per week, then you can leave comittment free - I hope that's good news!

You have just made my bloody year!!! :cheer: Thank you SOOOO much!! xx
I have left! Officially 29 weeks :) and i've been off sick since about 20 weeks! And yes I do get bored BUT i know i couldn't cope with work. I wasn't enjoying it, there was a bad atmosphere, the days left me feeling ill and then sciatica got me - if i do too much im in agony for hours.I've also been sleeping strange hours as i get restless legs in the middle of the night which keeps me awake.

I think it's an inidivdual thing and it is hard to decide because you don't know how uncomfy you will get!

i'm going to work on because i'll be bored out of my head sitting at home by myself otherwise :doh:

i really wish i could leave early but the extra money is really helping us get things paid off just now as well..
I'm leaving at 29 weeks (as soon as possible) :cheer: I want my last remaining 11 weeks without a kid all to myself :D I could never get bored at home, I adore chilling out and spending quality time with the dog (and my computer). I can't wait to leave, not because I hate the job but because at the moment there just doesn't seem enough hours in the day.

Besides I want to get some stencilling done in the spare room. Make it look more nursery like :D
I left at 38 weeks with my son and really I should have finished sooner as it was really hard towards the end, I had swollen legs, ankles and struggled on. As it was my son made his appearance into the world at 39 weeks and so I only got a week off before hand! I took 6 months off with my son.

This time, I am planning on finishing on 31st July which will be 36.5 weeks but I am going to either take 2 or 3 weeks annual leave so my mat leave won't start till either 18th or 25th August. I am due on 24th August. The amount of annual leave I take before hand depends on how much I have left to take.

I am going to take 9 months off this time (we have been saving up so that we can afford too!!) so I will be going back to work in the May which means that I will have a full new annual leave entitlement hence why I am using it all up before I go on maternity leave so that I don't loose it.

I don't know about you guyts, but I am counting the days down now till I can finish!!


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