No internet when I needed you all! Had to go hospital. :-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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We've had no phone or internet since Monday (BT :roll: ), and it was just when I need you all! :hug:

We ended up spending yesterday at the hospital with Charlie. :shock: It started Tuesday afternoon when I noticed a bit of blood in Charlie's nappy. He was his usual happy self, so I wasn't overly concerned. I thought maybe he had torn himself a little when he was pushing a poo out. But it got a little worse in his next nappy. :? He normally only gives me 1-2 dirty nappies in a day, but we had 3 dirty ones with blood in all of them. We'd got an appointment Tuesday night and MIL was looking after both kids for a couple of hours. As Charlie seemed fine in himself, we still went, leaving her instructions to ring if there was any problems. When we collected them both, he hadn't done a dirty nappy, but when she had checked him, there was about a tablespoon of red bloody jelly stuff in his nappy. Nothing else, just this. So I rang NHS Direct and spoke to a guy who told me it was probably nothing, but to keep an eye on it overnight and ring back if it got worse.

I had a dirty nappy again at 2am, but no blood so I thought he was okay. But then when I changed him at 7am, it was again dirty and quite a bit more blood. I rang NHS direct and she offered to get me an out of hours doctor, but that may take 3 hours. :shock: The local surgery opened at 8, so I rand them and got an appointment for 8.30. I took the bloody nappy from the night before, and she took one look and got on the phone to the hospital to speak to the peadiatric surgeon! :shock:

Luckily DH was off work with a cold, so we went straight to the hospital, and was there by 9.30. They were fantastic. The NHS are great! :D He was seen immediately by the ward sister, and then they said that the surgeon had been called to an emergency so could maybe be a couple of hours. He was due a bottle at 10 and they told us he had to be Nil by Mouth. :shock: This panicked me as the only reason they would say this is if he needed surgery! :shock: So I got in a bit of a state and the sister said she would try and get a junior doctor to take a look to try to put my mind at rest. Well, in walked DH's cousin who is a trainee doctor and on her peadiatric rotation! She was great because she told us things that she probably shouldn't have done, but she explained everything. They suspected some very long named thing that I can't remember. It is basically when the bowel somehow wraps round and grows inside itself, or something like that. To be honest, it was too much to take in. If it was that, he would need immediate surgery. :shock:

So they sent us straight to Ultrasound. They were extremely thorough and checked everything and measured all his internal organs. Charlie giggled all the way through it! :D He liked the sonographer rubbing the jelly on his tummy!

Anyway, after a very long stressful wait while the head surgeon checked everything, they finally told us we could give him a bottle at 1pm. He had been soooo good considering he was 3 hours late. He gulped 5 oz straight down, and when I sat him up, he brought it all up again!! So we did him another bottle and he took it slower and then went sleep.

The surgeon came to see us and told us Charlie had had a polyp (sp?) inside his bowel and it had burst. It would cause no other problems at all, but we would probably notice very loose bowels over the next couple of days, and a little more blood, but then he would be fine. I cried with relief!

So all is well now, and Charlie was fine through it all. It was just bloody typical that it all happened when I had no internet! :shock:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so glad Charlie is doing so well now, that sounds really, really scary! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh my Gosh - scary stuff!! Hope you are all okay babes, wondered why hadn't seen you on for a couple of days (damn BT).....

....big hugs for Charlie ((((hugs))))) :hug:
Aww Tankett, your poor little man - what a scary experience. Glad that everything is ok now.
oh thank God you both must be so relieved.
Im so glad LO is ok!

Its great you got such good medical attention!
So glad he's alright hun :hug: You must of been really worried. Hope he's on the mend :)
Glad everythings ok, you must have been in a right state. :hug:
:shock: oh my goodness you poor things! youmust have been out of your mind :(

so pleased it turned ok - sounds like charlie was a very brave little soldier for his mummy & daddy!


Oh Tankett how scary! I'm so glad all is ok. I must say the NHS are great when it comes to babies aren't they? I really miss them as you know the problems Leorah has also had with her poo, If I'd have4 been in the UK this would have all been sorted 3 weeks ago :evil:

Poor little Charlie, does it cause him any pain? By the way thanks for the apple juice tip. The liquid pain killer and the stuff to help her poos runny are making her sick so I'm going to try the apple juice.

Give Charlie a hug xx
Tanket sorry to hear about your escapade and glad that everything seems to be okay now, fortunately by the sounds of it Charlie seemed to be blissfully unaware of it all. Fingers crossed all stays well :pray: .
poor u and charlie...glad ur both ok now xxxxx

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