no heartbeat at 12 week scan..its over

So so sorry to hear this Lynette, my heart really goes out to you.xxxx
So sorry your going through this, it happened to me twice so I know how heartbreaking it is.

Hope you and OH are ok. X x
I'm so sorry to read this Lynette, it always makes me sad to read posts in this section. My hubby also has (severe) aspergers and to be honest when I had my mc, he didn't show any emotion or talk about it at all. I could still see that he cared by the way he was caring for me and making sure I was ok.

This may sound silly, but you could always ask him to write down his thoughts. This works for my husband when there is something strong on his mind but he wont talk about it.
i'm so sorry hun :(

i can tell you though, time is a great healer :hug:

thinking of you :cry: xxx
This week is going to be hard, termination is not until friday morning :-( I just wish I would bleed or something to make this more real as I am just normal atm. Its like a bad dream
so sorry thinking of you its so hard to come out of there when the waiting room is with people all happy and you arent getting the news you want ::( xxx
So sorry to hear this lynette - really hope you get a sticky bean next time and that Friday goes as smoothly and quickly as poss for you honey xxx
Hun I am so sorry to hear this! I hope u and ur OH love will make u strong xxx :hugs:
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Just wanted to send you a hug :hug: and let you know I'm thinking of you.X
this makes me so sad to read what you have gone though and are still going through. I wish I had the words to make things better but I don't so please just know that we are all here for you and will offer any support we can. Take good care of yourself and your OH. x
So sorry huni I lost my wee bean on Friday, my thoughts are with u xx
So unbelievably sorry Lynette and you Mummy too. You are a amazingly strong person this is my worst nightmare. My prayers and thoughts are with you. xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi sweetie, so sorry to hear your news - I had my ERPC operation on Monday after miscarrying (10 weeks) and although it was frightening I just wanted to say it's absolutely fine and I feel so relieved now that this experience is ending and we can heal and move on. That may sound callous, but I have had to tell myself that that's life, and everything happens for a reason - this just wasn't our time, but our time will come. Thinking of you - PM me if you need to. Big hugs xxx
thanks ladies feeling a bit better today but friday is looming, then i can move on. Cramping today though so i think its starting
Huge hugs and support I understand how hard this is for u xxx

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