no arguemnts! MMR

James has had it. though I did worry about whether I was doing the right thing as it was around the time that everyone was against it.

Logan will have it too, I think he's more likely to catch measles, than have a life changing reaction to the jab.

I can understand why Midna is unsure having seen her bro go through that :hug:
Cooper will have his. Not to sure about delaying it until older will have to look into that xx
Paris had it and so will harrison (yes paris is autistic but I've read the reseach and it's tosh)
Thing is, that it's not only measles which are dangerous. Mumps can render boys infertile, and Rubella is a risk when caught by pregnant women - unvaccinated kids who might trigger an epidemic could add to the risk.

After everything I've read I don't believe in a link between autism and mmr. And I don't see an advantage in the single vaccine over the triple jab other than that the manufacturer can sell 3 vaccines rather than one and therefore charge 3 times. This is something which I believe is overlooked often by those who argue that the triple jab is just an "evil pharma" thing. I will have the sproglet definitely vaccinated.

There's a lot of interesting articles on the subject on Ben Goldacre's blog

He's admittedly a bit polemic, probably because it makes him angry, but he's great at explaining the statistics and problems of trials, how lies are being sold to worried people for profit and how to look critically at any sciencey report in the media.
Grace hasn't had it yet - we are going to delay it for a bit longer. Had 2 letters from our docs surgery though and a phone call from the nurse...........
at first we thought that we wouldn't let Grace have it, but after doing loads of research we have decided to go ahead with it but to wait until we think she is a bit older and her body able to cope a bit better...

it is such a hard decision though for all of us mums and dads.... we all want to do the very best for our babies and protect them from anything that might hurt them............... each of us has to make a dscision and stand by what we think is right
SarahH said:
Arianna has had it and I will give it to any future kids...

I would never in a million years not give them a vacination against something so dangerous.

I agree - my kids will definately have it
Harrison had it done and all our future children will too. We researched for ages and the pros out weighed the cons. Whatever jab your child has can cause a serious reaction but they arent broadcasted like the MMR is, I think its a coincidence that the children who have had the jab were then were diagnosed with autism, there are plenty of children that have autism before this jab and also children who have it and havent even had the MMR jab. Its each to their own and I wont criticise anyone for doing different but I do have my own feelings towards the jab and I feel I would rather Harrison to have the MMR and (if there is a connection) to get autism than to become very ill and possible die from measels, mumps or rubella.
EDIT: I agree that it may put you off or make you unsure if you have seen a family member or friend have a serious reaction to it but just as anything we're all different and react differently to different things.
DD had it and Green Bean will too, I was worried about it being a 3 in one jab till I realised that the jabs they have when they are teeny tiny babes are aswell.

TBH I, like someone else has said, have to block out all the stuff the press digs up or I would never get any sleep!
Thankfully no one I know has had a negative reaction to any jabs, never mind MMR, so I don't have that praying on my mind.

Oh, thought I would add, I didn't have mine as a kid, had it when I was 18 I think.
My mum couldn't actually remember if I had had it or not and a blood test confirmed I wasn't immune to Rubella - trust my mum to forget! And she couldn't (and still can't) remember if I have ever had chicken pox or not :roll: I'm an only child for heaven's sake! :lol:
When all the hype about the negative side of the MMR was in the papers I believe I would have opted out, or at the very least gone for seperate jabs, but as things stand research wise now, I chose for Isaac to have the MMR, and he has been fine since with no side effects I am aware of. I do believe some choices we make as parents, health wise, can effect babies and children in negative ways, I think the scary fact is that we don't know what they will be until after the fact.

Like has been said, if we worried over evey piece of information and possible outcome to how we bring up our children and the choices we make for them then we would probably live in a bubble and go very mad! When I chose MMR for Isaac I chose it because I love him and want to keep him safe, as I'm sure Mummy's who choose not to have it for their children do too, that's what I believe.
Mhairi will have it, although I might wait until she is 18 months before she gets it. I think the booster at 12 months for the HIB/MenC/Dip etc and then the MMR at 13 months might blow her system, so I'll wait for a while.

I got measels as a baby and it went to my chest. I've been asthmatic ever since, so I don't want my girl to go through the same.

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