Thank you for your replies
Isaac still seem's fine, no sign of fever or rash, but I am watching him like a hawk
From the information I read the 'normal' MMR is a single needle vaccine followed up a month later (no sooner) by a booster. The 3 needles I think would be the MMR, ie measles, mumps and ruebella in seperate injections. The NHS don't pay for this so you have to pay and its costs about £300.
The other parents I've discussed this with online have varied opinions, some women are totally against ALL childhood illness vaccines. To be fair the MMR was only introduced in 1988, If I remember correctly, so I never had it as a child, its relatively new. I also had measles as a child and was very poorly but recovered with no ill affects. I think I had mumps, not sure, and I never had my ruebella jab at school (was probably off and missed it) but when I have been tested as an adult and found that I am immune therefore I dont need the vaccine.
People tell me that measles can be a killer. My doctor told me for healthy children its rarely dangerous, but for vaunerable children, ie already sick children and babies it can be deadly. So basically I was told the more children who are vaccinated the better the safety net around everybody. Some people might think well I'm not putting my child at risk to protect everyone else and thats a fair point, we all have to put our own children first, but also you have to feel a slight responsibilty towards ALL children.
I did post a thread ages ago when I first discussed the MMR with my GP. She pretty much told me to wait till he was 2 to put my mind at rest. I'll try and find it. And it will probably totally contradict what I've just said