from personally experience and i shall explain 7oz is an awful lot to have and so often, speak to your health visitor about the other types of formular as there is one for hungry baby. he may not actually be hungry but uncomfortable
the reason i say this is i did the EXACT same with my daughter around that age i gave her 7oz every 3-4 hrs and she took it no problem, then she started crying every 3 hrs so i would feed her again, not long after id say a few weeks she would not stop crying infact it sounding like she was getting ripped apart i panicked and rushed her to hospital, turns our she was VERY constipated
doc asked whati fed her and when i said her jaw droppd, she explain very nicely that some babies will just take the feed and all of it even if they are not hungry and basically i made her ill - not what any mom wants to hear.
i saw health visitor and told her about feeds and she went mad at me, told me to go onto hungry baby if my daughter appeared hungry and to give her 3ox every 4 hrs - i was livid and thought how dare u all tell me this
tried it and they were right lol, so def worth seeking advice about feed from health visitor hun xx