NHS incompetence and partial birth story...


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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I WILL get round to doing my birth story soon, it was full of dramatics! But just a quick question.. DH wants to seriously complain to the NHS as I'm pretty sure we were neglected, but what's your opinion..?

Basically after my second sweep my waters broke at 3am and seemed yellowish. At 8am I phoned the Day Assessment Unit and explained, they said it didn't sound like the colour of meconium and to wait to see if contractions started by that night, and if they hadn't to phone back. Well the contractions were irregular so I phoned back at about 7pm and was told to go in. I have no idea what happened, we went to the DAU straight away and somehow got sidelined for about 8 hours, they basically left me on a monitor, no one examined me, they took a sample of the waters (the midwife said it looked like meconium and we'd hear from a doctor asap... Hours later we'd heard nothing) at 4am it was obvious I'd got an infection and I was in so so much pain and was physically shaking and sweating - this is when they finally seemed to notice me and sent me to the high risk labour ward. Can't fault them there, they took care of me but I needed IV antibiotics and just a few hours later the doctor said I'd have to go in for a c-section due to 'fetal distress' - the baby's heartbeat was elevated because mine was.. Because of the infection. Oh and there *was* meconium in the waters :mad:

I really believe it was an error for me to be left alone on DAU for so long. I had it in my head they HAD to start trying to get the baby out within 24 hours of your waters going, I was barely looked at until 25 hours later. I blame them leaving me for getting the infection, and I blame them for me having to have a c-section. Is there anything I can do? Do I have a case to officially complain? I don't like the idea that this could happen to someone else :/ xx
Oh my gosh sounds like you had a terrible time :( I had meconium in my waters too but luckily I was induced straight away. I would defo complain, PALS is a good place to start. If you google them you should get a number you can ring and they should be able to advise you.

Congratulations on your LO btw :) xx
I would defo complain,you shouldn't hvae been left all that time, sounds like lots could've been avoided.

Different hospitals have different policies as to how much time can elapse before they have to induce you after your waters have broken, in some hospitals they do it after 24 hours, others wait for 48 or even 72 hours. HOWEVER, since there was meconium in your waters they should obviously seen to you much quicker than they did to prevent the infection and make sure you and baby are ok, so I think you definitely have a case to complain! Sorry you had such a horrible experience! Hope both you and baby are fine now!
I think you have a good case to complain - I definitely would if I were in your situation. hope you get some results. Xx
I think you need to complain that's terrible :( congrats on your lo :)

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Thank you all :) Birth story is now complete and in announcements :)

I think I need to request my notes so I can get all the facts and properly complain. So much of it is hazy from being ill and tired!

Definitely complain, although I will say there is so much red tape to go through, my hospital nearly killed me a few years ago it was a cut and dry case of negligence but after about 20 complaint letters from me going through all the billion complaint stages there is I didn't even get an apology they sent me a standard letter saying it was just one of those things and noone was to blame!! If I'd had the energy I'd have tried to take it further but I just couldn't face it after already months worth of letters. So it sounds like you do have a case to complain but just make sure you do it the right procedure so they can't use that as an excuse and weasel out of it that way, and be prepared for a fight! PALS is a good place to start xx
I had meconium in my waters so three MW's and two doctors where called in and a monitor put on babies head but because i had a quick labour they put me on my side and i had her very quick but they said if i hadn't that i would have had a c section and they where talking hours away. LO had to stay overnight in hospital and checked every two hours because its so dangerous--- complain they should never have assumed it wasnt your waters they should have done an exam as soon as you where there!!
My friends are doctors with NHS and they often say people don't complain enough. They wish patients would give feedback so that more can be done to
Improve standards. Go for it!!
Hope you get some sort of apology or at least an acknowledgement that they should've done better. Its obviously a frightening time for anyone during a straightforward labour - you must've been terrified. Xx

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