my boyf was a really good birth partner, he didnt do anything funny- except for that cliched sort of melodramatic gasping in pain just because i squeezed his hand so hard during a contraction (which made me secretly LOL a bit i was like "HA! have a piece of my pain, bitch!") he did say it seemed to defy the laws of physics how someone as small as me could summon such super-human strength!
my OH was brilliant throughout my labour and very patient as it went on for 56hrs! He sobbed after id had 30mins of agonising contractions only to find id not dilated anymore. he just said he hated seeing me in so much pain. i spose looking back now when i was in my own world inbetween contractions from all the drugs every blinkin time i looked up he was having a chug on the gas and air!! i was worried he'd be more high than me by the time the baby was born!
Whenever my contractions hit their peak, I would bury my head into the pillow..until I started looking up at OH. Whose hand I had in the death grip, he would be silently screaming, eyes scrunched up, which would send me into hysterics. The face on it!
As labour draaaaaaaaaaagged on, I got to the " arrggh I cant frigging do this anymore" stage, to which he replied " well you're just gonna have to", cue evil stare from me and OH saying " jeez alright Satan I was only joking"
Then when Isla was delivered, she was handed to OH, the MW said "Im just going to check the placenta", to which OH replied " oo arent we suppsoed to fry it up and eat it now", the MW just looked at him bug-eyed and said " ermmm if you reaaaally wanted to",
My dh was brilliant through the whole labour and an amazing birth partner. The only thing I can remember is when I was cuddling Tamzin after he said "I'm so proud of you, you can have any kebab you want from the takeaway when we get home!" Bless him, he's romantic in his own special way
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