News on Tasha's Labour


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Ok, ive just had the first update from Tasha via text.

She is 3cm dilated, but is unfortuately in hospital as her BP is high.

I feel for her as she so wanted her homebirth didnt she :(

You can do it Tasha, keep strong!

I will update as soon as I hear anything else
Oh noooooooooooooooooooooo!! Poor Tash! Oh well, she is in the best place for her blood pressure.

Keep us updates Jades, I am so excited!!! xx
Aw poor Tasha, i know how much she wanted a home birth, but as Zoie says she's in the best place.
Ah thats such asame, i was hoping to hear more homebirth details to help me decide what i want!! Good luck Tasha, hope she arrives soon for you xx :cheer:
I'm glad she's in hospital if she's having high BP, hope the rest of her birth goes really well. Good luck Tasha!
Birmingham are legendary for saying women can have homebirths then whipping 'em in at the last minute! Do you know the figure is about 4%? Poor Tash, hope she has a good experience anyway and baby arrives safely :D
She is due after me!!!!!!!!!! God this is getting a bit real now!!

Good Luck Tasha sending positive vibes!!!!!
thinking of you........... all fingers and toes crossed that all goes well and you have an easy labour
I'd be the same. Have requested a homebirth but first sign of everything not 100% then I'd be in like a shot. You've done the right thing hunny & will be holding that baba very soon :D
awww sorry ur not getting ur home birth i know how much u wanted it
hope bubs comes soon for u hun
Any news?? I keep checking back incase there's any updates!
Me too, I am so excited!! We MUST get some news soon, and Ebs too, there two babies on their way today, unless I have missed any more??? :think:

Making me impatient now, I am praying for my waters to go..this is the woman who 2 weeks ago was TERRIFIED of giving birth, now I want it to happen!!! :pray:
aww hun glad ur feeling better bout the whole thing ebs has had her princess
Just spotted Lozs thread, wahoo!! Come on Tash, hope you are holding your little princess too!!!????

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