Newbie and Concerned


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Jun 1, 2011
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Hello all, my name is Rachael and I am about 3 weeks pregnant (or 5 weeks if counting from first day of last period). This will be my first and I'm very excited. But I'm also feeling petrified at the same time.

Last November I got diagnosed with PCOS (Polycycstic Ovary Syndrome). It completely devastated me as I always wanted a family of my own. My boyfriend (now husband) was my rock. He stood by me and helped me through it all. I started a course of Metformin and it slowly brought my body back into sync. But docs still advised it would probably take me a while to fall pregnant. In January this year my husband proposed and we decided on a short engagement. We got married on May the 14th this year and while on our honeymoon, on the last day I found out i was pregnant! We had only been actively trying for 3 weeks so was a complete shock! But we are both over the moon.

However, I'm just a little concerned. I've been feeling odd and really bloated and uncomfortable. Is this normal? I've also been getting tummy cramps. Please can someone put my mind at rest?

Thank you.
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Hi Rachel :wave:, welcome to PF and congrats on your pregnancy.

Bloating and cramping are both very normal in early pregnancy. The only reason to worry is if the pains are so severe that they take your breath away or of they are accompanied by bleeding (bright red).

Try to enjoy it, easier said than done though I know x
Hi Lulabell. Yes, you would be counted as 5 weeks pregnant.

The bloating and the cramps are absolutely to be expected. I'm so glad for you that it happened so easily, now try to be as relaxed as possible because it is going to feel like ages before your doctors start to take it seriously xx
Hi Lulabell

I'm just 4 weeks preggers, so one less than you, and I've had crampy pains for the past couple of days. I've had loads of messages from other ladies saying that they all experienced the same, and that all is fine, so let's try to be positive (easier said than done!!!)

Welcome and Congrats! Bloating and cramps are normal in early pg! Wishing you a happy, healthy 9 months xx
Congrats on your PG! I'm a newbie too :) Good luck with it all.
J x
Congratulations to all the newbies, lulabell, english rose and starstruck. Hope u have a happy and healthy 9 months and welcome to the forum xx
Congrats and welcome!
All sounds completely normal to me! Sit back and enjoy the ride... can be a bit of a rollercoaster at times :lol:
Any questions or worries just ask away! :)
Hey Hun, first off congrats on the BFP and welcome to pf! Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months. Secondly as the others have said cramping in perfectly normal all through tri 1 from my limited medical knowledge I can tell you it's either your LO snuggling in tight (implementing) or your uterus starting to stretch and grow!

Try and relax as much ad possible and enjoy, but we are all here if you need anything!!

Something else to warn you about, you may get some brown discharge in the coming weeks, again all perfectly normal and I've been told if it's brown it's old blood (normally left over from implantation) everyone freaks out when they get it, I sat in tears at 8 weeks and I even knew what it was! Try not to worry if you get this unless it's bright red Xx
Was just about to post about some discharge I've been getting. Its a very light brown. So that answers that one!

But I've also been getting severe pain just above my belly button and below my boobs. It's not constant, just been coming and going the past 2 days. Anything to be concerned about?

Thank you all for your responses! Much appreciated. I can honestly say I'm petrified of anything going wrong. My hubby and I want this baby so much.

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