New user need help


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Apr 24, 2012
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I am new to this forum...I have been TTC since last 4 months but still not any success..I am very sad and nervous I dont know what to do...I used to have very regular cycle like 25-26 days but since last three months I am having like 32-33-34 days cycle...this time I was 1 week late off my periods and I had all the symptoms like I gained weight,I had frequent urination,change in breast,lower abdomen cramps and cramps in uterus,heart burn,craving ...this time I was sure that I could be pregnant but on 22nd april I had dark brown very lil discharge which I thought that could be implantation bleeding but after one day heavy bleeding of dark red ( not fresh) colour blood has started which made me really disappointed...:sad:...any1 here with such situation so please do share with of luck to all...
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Oh Hon, I am so sorry! I have not had this experience but if you want to try to figure out what is going on without going to a specialist, I would start BBT charting in conjunction with OPK's and watching your cervical mucus. That way you will have a better idea if you are ovulating and when. 4 months is not long so don't be dis-heartened! It will happen! This forum is really supportive and I recommend you ask as many questions as you need and the ladies will give you great advice. We are all with you!

Good Luck! x
Sorry to hear your situation. 4 months is not long but it seems like a lifetime!! I've been TTC since october and it drags very slowly. Maybe now your TTC your more stressed so your ovulating a little later than usual. Just try and relax (easier said than done). I was proper stressing baout TTC and i found it hard to BD every other nigth as I have no clue when i'm ovulating. But since i've started my new job its much easier because all my focus is on my work and not TTC and i dont get see OH as much as he works until 9.30pm and i start at 9am so its nice just to BD as we've not seen each other.

I hope you get some answers soon.

thanks alot kankan for such nice wordings...stay blessed
Hi and welcome tulip :)

I used to have shorter cycles and for some reason I ended up with a 30day cycle. Before I got my BFP I was going to try agnus cactus which is a herbal drug and you take that every day until you OV and then stop, this brings your cycles forward. I also did SMEP this month as my cycles had moved and I wasnt quite sure why. SMEP is ideal for irregular cycles!

If you are trully worried and nervous though I would speak to your GP they may be able to offer some medical info. Stress can prolong your cycles although so can many other things. If your GP does not know that you are TTC it is a good idea to let them know so that they can check back how long you have been trying to concieve.

Best of luck - hope you get that BFP soon!
thanks russellmuscle..yeah I told to me GP abt TTC she prescribed me just folic acid and said that dont worry majority of couples take almost 1 year to conceive...

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