(this could prob be a rant... apologies in advance)
I've slung that waste of bloody time effort and energy out on his arse, had enough of him not contributing towards the household bills and things for Lyla (because of his bills supposedly... loads of shit as he managed to go out on the ale last night and the night before), not doing anything around the flat (we lived at my dads till LO was 4months and his piss-poor excuse was that it was my dads house and he didnt feel right taking over cleaning

basically he's about as much use as a chocolate teapot.
we had a massive row on friday, He said some vile an disgraceful things to me. I rang him last night to see if he wants to sort things out he told me to fuck off he's gonna find a better woman to be with... which is laughable in itself (hes so immature anyone else would of got rid of him a long time before now the amount of bullshit ive put up with over the past few years) so i said fine, good luck to you hope you are happier alone. and put the phone down and took the phone off the hook.
I then get a call at daft oclock this morning saying he wants to come back and sort things out... bollox to that!
So once I got woke up by LO i rang his mums
he wants to sort things out apparently but I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL LATER AS HE'S GONNA BE BUSY

told him to shove himself up his arse, not fucking waiting around for him.
he said he'll be up later to sort things out but ive told him to jog on I dont need him now i never have and never will. but he said he's still coming up, good luck to him because me and my little peanut wont be here so a waste of time on his part.
so I'm not waiting for him

we're off to off to town