Nervous wreck!!!

Good luck sweetie girl!! Thinking of you xxxxx
Hope everything went ok at the scan. Please update as soon as you can! Xxx
Hi Girls,

Sorry for late upate
Well I didnt quite get the result I was hoping for.

The sonographer said that everything was looking fine and healthy and just how it should for being 6 wks pregnant.
She could not see a heartbeat - that was bit that really worried me, my worst fear - no heartbeat - omg baby has stopped growing. the dread washed over me.
But she reassured me that this was VERY normal for only 6 wks, (or just slightly under 6 wks) she said could you have got your dates wrong?
I said the first day of my last period was 10th July - so that makes me 8 wks on Sunday.
She told me that they never go by last period to get number of wks in early stage that they measure the size etc.
Anyway, I am booked in again next Friday.
She said they still may not be able to see the heartbeat for def, but she will be looking for growth.

ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH Im so annoyed at blooming MW
I told her I want to be 8 + when I go for my early scan.
Surely she know that they dont go by last period for early scans.
All this worry!

Me and OH left the hospital very emotional and very down. Oh said to me I dont think I could go through it again and I said no me neither.

I looked at all my dates and worked out that the times we had sex that month was CD 8, 10 and 12. I dont think I OV til day 14 which is exactly 6 wks today - making me slight under six wks yesterday.
Working out that info has made me a lot happier. The dates add up!

Just this whole dates thing is really confusing! Obviously if you find out you are pregnant on day af is due, you are classed as 4 wks pg , but actually your not - cos your not pregnant from the first day of your last period!!!!!

Anyway , girls, I am holding on to the fact that I will see growth next week.
I know some girls do see heartbeats etc as 7 wks by their tickers - but that is just going to worry me again.
So please dont tell me any stories of that.
Like I said I am trying to be as calm as pos ans as positive as pos that I will see growth next week. xxxxx
Sorry to hear you weren't reassured like you were expecting, though the sonographer seems positive so you should cling on to that. I'm sure it's a case of the dates being a bit out and when you go back you will see the baby with a heartbeat.

Early scans are such a minefield, I do believe that they all grow at different rates too which can cause worry and upset unnecessarily.

Bloody mw!!! I'm sure you'll get the reassurance you need nxt week, stay positive Hun x x x
Hi hun, when iwent for my early scan i was exactly the same, expecting to be further on due to my last af. I was also feeling the same as you when i left. I had to go back 5 days later due to bleeding. But the baby was there on the 2nd scan, Im sure urs will be and ur dates do sound right anyway. Think positive hun sure everything will be fine xx
Thanks Sue,
Well I know how dates can be out,my son was born 3 wks early and he was 7lb 5oz and hes always been such a dinky boy! Still now hes sooo small and light compared to other s his age. People say oh I bet he was tiny when he was born!
No actually he wasnt and I had gone to 40+ wks he would of prob been 11lb er!!! so i reckon my dates were wrong!
Blah!! Roll on next week.
Hope your feeling better today xxxxxx
This is what really confused me when I took clearblue digital! Pregnant 1-2, instructions stated doctor would date 3-4. Soooooo me being the researchin idiot - am wondered by this was and spent time considering it. The result I duiscovered is that babies only grow for 38 weeks! The conception indicater is right on the clearblue but midwives etc changhe it and they go to fourty! Now this to me seems daft! But thaty is what research suggests. Ur dates sound just right and verymuch inline with what - have read! Try not to be too stressed! I have a good feeling for u xxx
Thanks Dani,
Yes all makes sense to me too.
I think the 12wk scan is where they date you properly.
hope your feeling ok. xxxx
Hi corinne

Only just seen your thread! Sorry to hear you had to go through that stress due to midwife's bad maths, but it's good sonographer said it all looked normal. Best wishes for your next scan on Friday xx
I had exactly the same I was 7 weeks by my last af but when I went they could only see a sac and yolk nothing else i was certain that it was happening again as thats what I had last time. I went back 10 days later which were the worst 10 days of our lives I think. I cried all morning and nearly passed out when I entered the epu. Then within 2 minutes they turned the screen to me and showed me my baby at 7mm with a big strong heartbeat and only put my dates as 6weeks 3 days then! I'm thinking of you cos that wait is awful. xxxx
Thanks Tinsel - I hope you doing ok.

And Thanks Leanne - thats really reassuring what you said. The wait is awful. xxxxxxx
Sorry it didnt go as well as hoped hun, we see girls on here get dates a bit off all the time. I'm sure all will be well next week. xxx
Thanks Nurse.
Really dont know how you went through to MMC and had the strength to try again.

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