Hi All,
I actually didn't have such a pleasant experience at the scan. The woman was very unfriendly compared to the babybond place where i went for my private early scan, she did a bit of scanning and got the dates and measurements etc 12 weeks 5 days and measuring about 9cm couldn't hear a heartbeat so i asked about it, they said that there was no sound on that particular machine so we couldn't hear it but there was one there. Anyway she said that she was going to try to do the Nuchal thing she had a few goes for about 20 mins and then said she would call a colleague to come in to check it. Ofcourse i thought something must be wrong... other woman came in and scanned it few times, and said baby was in wrong position and got me to roll over on to each side and then shook it with the scanner wand to try get it to move round, it just slid from side to side lol so then she said go to the loo and half empty my bladder from the 1 and half pints of water i had to drink before the scan, that didn't have any affect. Then said to go for a walk go to the loo again and they would call me back in, about 40 mins later i went back in and they tried again, baby was in an even worse position. hubby could see it all properly as he was head on to the screen whereas they kept moving it so i couldn't see it, probably so they could see it better but i was getting annoyed lol. They tried again for 10 to 15 mins still no joy so couldn't get the neck measurement. Said that it didn't look like it was problematic but they couldn't be sure. They wont re-schedule the scan so i just have to go on the blood test at 15 weeks to test for downs now. She only printed off 2 photos for me i wanted 4 though

but i guess they were trying to get the nuchal thing so were more ocupied. I could maybe go to babybond and see if they will do another NT scan for me and have another go.
Had another long wait and got urine analysed all fine i gather as they didn't say anything, then had another wait to see a midwife and then a consultant.
I didn't feel this scan was as positive as the early scan, they weren't very upbeat or positive didn't really explain things were good or whatever. hubby asked them if there was a problem when they sent me to the loo and they said no, just that it wasnt in right place for the measurement and he asked about heartbeat again and they said that there was deffo one there but we just couldn't hear it. Neither of the 2 sonnographers i saw this morning were as friendly as the one at babybond which tended to make the whole thing feel scientific and clinical as opposed to a happy thing seeing your baby for the first time etc.
So i felt a bit deflated really by it i was expecting them to properly talk me through exactly what you could see on the screen but they just kinda went thats its head thats it body, didn't really show where arms or legs might be or anything like that. They gave me my next scan appointment which is the anatomy one on 13th may and a copy of my report to give to midwife which has on it "obesity degraded images" which i thought was a bit uncalled for really. I didn't dare ask if they could tell if it was a boy or girl cos they just seemed totally p!ssed off by the whole thing.
I just felt that as they could see i was nervous and anxious about it that they could have assured me everything was progressing normally they didn't actually say much unless promted by a question which they made it out like it was a chore to answer and they were pissed off that you would even ask! I know its NHS but if they really don't get job satisfaction at all then maybe they should change jobs LOL
But i think everything is ok. They are sending me for a glucose tolerance test in july to test me for gestational diabetes and will have to go back to see the consultants around then too.
The sickness has made me lose 3lbs in weight which they didn't even mention. My blood pressure was lower than at my booking in apt which they said was good.
Also just to ask, what is a normal size for a baby at 12 weeks my cousin looked at my pics and said it looks massive which has now given me a complex.
I attach my scan pics