Negative urine tests but positive blood test?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
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Hey ladies,

I'm now on day 55 of cycle with no AF/spotting or any sign of AF coming.
Earlier on I had a few pregnancy symptoms but if my calculations are right based around when I actually had sex I would be around 6-8 weeks pregnant if I was.
I don't know when I ovulated.

Anyway I'm contemplating going to my gp to ask for blood test as I have read a few things online about not getting positive urine test when people have been pregnant at 6+ weeks.

Just wondering if anyone had had this happen?

I've considered that it's just a missed period as that can happen BUT I have never been this late and I've been ill and run down over the past month twice (bad flu and a cold).

I'm just so frustrated right now and I haven't even mentioned it to my husband as there's actually nothing to say!! X
Hi, it's so frustrating. I had a 47 day cycle once and went for a blood test. I wasn't pregnant but it put my mind at ease and then AF arrived probably cos I could relax. Good luck x
I have heard of women not having positive pregnancy tests but preg being confirmed by bloods.
Could be either, sometimes our bodies like to confuse us :(
Def. go to doctor to putt our mind at rest. My cycles were crazy as soon as we started ttc. so maybe this? Xx
I agree I would go to the Dr just to get so answers hun, I know a lot of ladies whos hcg doesnt show on a urine test but will show on a blood test


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