well i weighed in this morning and i was.....76 and a half kilo's i converted it to 12 stone. it must be 12st 1oz though cos the converter doesnt do half kilo's, is it a pound? stupid scales no wonder they were only a fiver....
lol frylight!..awww my son thought it was air freshner...(do not ask me how!)...i keep in it the other cupboard so they dont use it for frying their eggs and stuff..(its mine..lol) and i asked him to just put the hoover round while i went shopping, anyway...i came back saw it on the side and said to him.."why is that out?"and he said.."what"..and i said, "that frylight?" and he said, "awww yer i wanted to make it smell nice for when you got back"..i was like..."you do know its spay oil for cooking low fat food?".." ehhh?, aww i thought it was air freshner, no wonder it didnt smell of much, i was spaying it and spraying it!"...lmao needless to ay it was on all the surfaces in the front room and i spent all day wiping it all off!ella said:he would choke if I suggested 'fry light'
xrachx said:lol frylight!..awww my son thought it was air freshner...(do not ask me how!)...i keep in it the other cupboard so they dont use it for frying their eggs and stuff..(its mine..lol) and i asked him to just put the hoover round while i went shopping, anyway...i came back saw it on the side and said to him.."why is that out?"and he said.."what"..and i said, "that frylight?" and he said, "awww yer i wanted to make it smell nice for when you got back"..i was like..."you do know its spay oil for cooking low fat food?".." ehhh?, aww i thought it was air freshner, no wonder it didnt smell of much, i was spaying it and spraying it!"...lmao needless to ay it was on all the surfaces in the front room and i spent all day wiping it all off!ella said:he would choke if I suggested 'fry light'
Snuggle said:Had a bad day yesterday I had weetabix for breakfast then we went out for day and I didnt eat lunch. We got home and hubby started making spag bol for tea and our friend turned up so it got left aside while we all tucked in to red wine instead. I ended up drinking a bottle So no food really but plenty of wine