Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

Hi Snuggle and Mrs_Tommo!!

Well, yesterday I was a bit naughty :oops: In the morning just had time for a bowl of strawberries with skimmed milk, had no time for the lunch and in the evening I had indian! I tried to have less rice and just a bit of chicken korma...And I had my xenical, so, hopefully it isnt too bad.
And I skipped gym in the morning, cos I didnt sleep in the night, and decided that Ill have 2 hours of sleep instead gym :oops:

But today!! Well, I though cos I was a naughty girl yesterday, Ill be really good. So, i went to the gym and done boxercise clas! (Basically, that is what boxers do! All the sit ups, running, press ups and boxing itself! Was really hard!) And then walked in a fast pace on the treadmill!
In the morning had time just for one banana and now I am making chicken fillet stir fry for lunch. And for dinner Im planning to have just a small wholegrain bread sandwich with soft cheese and some fruits!

How you've been doing?

Hiya :wave:

I was naughty last night too and had a chicken kebab and some red wine :oops: My excuse is that hubby came home so we celebrated him passing his course :wink:

Today I had weetabix for brekkie, a salad sarnie for lunch and we're having chilli con carne for tea. I was going to have a couple of glasses of wine tonight too....are they really fattening? :hug: :hug:
Hey Snuggle :hug:

Naugthy us! :oops: :rotfl:

yes, i am afraid wine is just unesesary calories! and there are loads!
there is no fat, but loads of carbs. small glass will set you back 120-130 kcal.

so if you gonna have any wine, try to limit yourself to a really small glass. and just one. and choose really dry wine (red or white)

Be good! :hug: We wanna loose all that weight! :dance:
Oh Nooooooooooo :( :( :(

I would happily never eat again aslong as I can have my red wine :oops: I'm really unhappy now :cry:
i would love to join you ladies. but i cant eat fruit and veg, (makes me gag) so i dont think i can get healthy
Snuggle, hun-be strong strong strong!
Have a bit of wine. Just dont drink half a bottle! And limiting alcohol is not only good for a diet, but also for a overall wellbeing! :hug:
Hi there Rileys's mummy!

Welcome to our PF Fat Fighters club!

Are there ANY fruit and veg at all you like? If not, then you can just rty limiting your portions. Like having 2/3 of your usual meal. It will also help to loose weight :hug:

Anyways, welcome, and this is the place where you can get support :hug:

Today ihad a grilled bacon sandwich with wholemeal bread, thern had a nana and weight wathers yoghurt for lunch and tonight i had bacon, poaced eggs,toast and beans.Was really nice, but tommo had fried bacon, piles of chips and beans etc and i was like you fat fucker im glad ive eaten healthy today!
hey girls, would it be ok for me to join and put a request out for a buddy? (fantastic idea carina)
trixipaws said:
lol if i lost 3 stone i wouldnt be much heavier than milliepops! :lol:
:shock: ...i am sorry but i think that comment was a bit insensitive too, there are ladies here that are overweight and dont need comments like that, myself included.
Mrs_Tommo, well done for choosing healthier options! :cheer:

xrachx - of course it is ok to join in! :hug: We are here to support each other, help each other to choose healthier food options and etc.
So-welcome! :hug:
Hi girls, can I join you? I have lost a stone and a half since September but still have about 3 to lose... so if you'll have me :) Do you want my msn?
Tangerinedream: of course hun! :hug: Well done you for loosing 1 1/2 stone! keep on going! :dance: Welcome!

Ill leave my msn id, so anyone who wants to add me just do so: [email protected] (i am going to delete this information here after a while, you know...privacy :oops: )
I would like to join in too - but I dont know how to use MSN :oops: :oops: does anyone know where I could learn :think:
ella: hi nun! Welcome :hug:

It is fine if you cant use messenger. Just come here :hug: Sort of in the end of the day, you can tell what youve had to eat (healthy) and share recipes. Or just come for support when it gets tought :hug:
xrachx said:
trixipaws said:
lol if i lost 3 stone i wouldnt be much heavier than milliepops! :lol:
:shock: ...i am sorry but i think that comment was a bit insensitive too, there are ladies here that are overweight and dont need comments like that, myself included.

Hiya rach, really dont think Trix meant anything nasty by that, she too is having weight issues but just at the other end of the scale :(

I was VERY naughty today girls :oops: :( My MIL and SIL came to visit so we went for a pub lunch and I had Hunters Chicken...tut tut! I skipped brekkie this morn too coz didnt have time so have had a bad diet day today :?

Will get myself back on track, I start slimming world next week and am meeting with Carina for a big walk with the babies :cheer: (she will probably tell me off then :lol: )

Well done to all of you and welcome to the new fat fighters :hug: :hug:
Hiya girlies, well from not going to weight watchers monday to wednesday i ate crap! but the last few days ive been a bot more careful and just getting myself all geared up for my first session at weight watchers and i know this probably sounds silly but im excited - excited at the prospect of losing weight this time next monday and changing my life for the better.

This thread is a great idea!

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