Hi Snuggle and Mrs_Tommo!!
Well, yesterday I was a bit naughty
In the morning just had time for a bowl of strawberries with skimmed milk, had no time for the lunch and in the evening I had indian! I tried to have less rice and just a bit of chicken korma...And I had my xenical, so, hopefully it isnt too bad.
And I skipped gym in the morning, cos I didnt sleep in the night, and decided that Ill have 2 hours of sleep instead gym
But today!! Well, I though cos I was a naughty girl yesterday, Ill be really good. So, i went to the gym and done boxercise clas! (Basically, that is what boxers do! All the sit ups, running, press ups and boxing itself! Was really hard!) And then walked in a fast pace on the treadmill!
In the morning had time just for one banana and now I am making chicken fillet stir fry for lunch. And for dinner Im planning to have just a small wholegrain bread sandwich with soft cheese and some fruits!
How you've been doing?