Nearly went in to prem labour :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Hi guys,
Had a wee moment last night, well more than a wee moment actually. Have been getting quite strong BH for the last few weeks but yesterday they got much worse, and they were frequent and I had lower back pain and felt rotten. DH called the hospital who said to come straight in, was put on a monitor and babys heart was fine, they managed to pick up a couple of contractions on the monitor, luckily they weren't to severe, but they were sore! Was examined, not dilated or anything which was great, but they kept me in over night to observe. Had loads of bloods, urine and swabs done, everything seems to be ok now, BH have settled down and didnt amount to much. Had a lovely MW who ran me a bath to try and relax me, they think I've been over doing it at work (involves alot of walking and lifting) and getting stress (having land lord issues).
Got me test results back this morning, looks like I might have a UTI but got to wait til Monday for the results, and by red blood was down so I've been put on iron tablets. Baby seems great though, doesn't like monitors lol, she kicked the MW this morning when they put one on. Bless her!
Luckily we seem to be ok but they've told me to rest as they're not convinced I couldn't have gone in to prem labour :shock: DH has been great running around after me now we're home, he's even tidied the house and hoovered up, and put a load of washing in! Love him to bits!
Hopefully everything will settle down now but I've got to keep and eye on my BH, got to time them if them seem to fall in to a pattern, and have a MW appointment on Monday.
So yeh a wee scare but glad we're home and in one piece, made it all seem very real last night though, was really worried.
Hope all you ladies are fine, eventful start to Tri 3!
Lib and Bump (hanging in there!)
Oh gosh it does sound like you've had a time of it. Glad you didn't go into preterm and that you and LO seem to be recovering. Put your feet up and relax! Also maybe time to start thinking about taking your Mat Leave? :) xxx
Wish I could take Maternity Leave, oh the joys of being self employed!! lol, DH has been great tho, he's rearranged some stuff and our business partner is back next week so them two will take over, I'm being stuck on admin lol
How are you, I've decided that Tri 3 is scary, want to go back to Tri 2!
Oh god how scary :hug: glad you and baby are okay xx
aww bless sounds like youve had an eventful one. no more running about for you. good thing oh is running round after you. you need to relax now. glad hospital kept an eye on u x
What an entrance to tri 3! Sounds like u had a bit of a scare there :hug: glad all is okay now :) out of curiosity how high did ur green numbers go on the monitor?xx
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Oh wow, take it easy my dear. Don't overdo it and let your lovely OH look after you. Glad u r ok now and they have found things out that can help u. Rest easy this weekend xx
Glad you and LO are ok hunny, make sure you get plenty of rest x x

What an entrance to tri 3! Sounds like u had a bit of a scare there :hug: glad all is okay now :) out of curiosity how high did ur green numbers go on the monitor?xx

Not sure, midwife was keeping an eye on it, she kept going to get the doctor and they were discussing giving me an injection to try and stop them, or a steroid injection for bump to mature her lungs if they didnt calm down, luckily everything seemed to calm down by itself. Might be in my notes, I'll ask MW on Monday, would be interesting to find out.
How's you?
Thanks for all the nice messages guys, resting easy today, hubby is cooking sunday lunch, I've washed all LO clothes that we've bought so far, the hospital recommended packing my hospital bag over the next couple of weeks just in case. It's all getting a bit scary and real!! Help!!!
What an entrance to tri 3! Sounds like u had a bit of a scare there :hug: glad all is okay now :) out of curiosity how high did ur green numbers go on the monitor?xx

Not sure, midwife was keeping an eye on it, she kept going to get the doctor and they were discussing giving me an injection to try and stop them, or a steroid injection for bump to mature her lungs if they didnt calm down, luckily everything seemed to calm down by itself. Might be in my notes, I'll ask MW on Monday, would be interesting to find out.
How's you?

Glad ur ok now.. Yeah would be interesting to see :)

I'm not sure how I am tbh lol very confused.. Had the steroids and they are ok with me contracting.. Need an ECG coz my heart is racing every now n then.. Need an advanced scan tomo to check on baby as very reduced movements.. She didn't check me internally today as she didn't want to encourage labour.. But if these contractions keep on n get stronger she will examine me..
Sigh lol!!
I'm not sure how I am tbh lol very confused.. Had the steroids and they are ok with me contracting.. Need an ECG coz my heart is racing every now n then.. Need an advanced scan tomo to check on baby as very reduced movements.. She didn't check me internally today as she didn't want to encourage labour.. But if these contractions keep on n get stronger she will examine me..
Sigh lol!![/QUOTE]

Aww bless you hun! You're really going through it! Hope they get you sorted, bet your just wanting something to happen either way now? How are they if you do have LO now? Are they not too worried about LO coming early? Scary thing is your only about 5 weeks ahead of me! Eeep! :shock:
Hope you get sorted soon, be thinking of you,
Lib and Bump

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