Nausea remedies!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2015
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Please could people write down what's helping them with their nausea? It has hit hard for me over the last few days! Bizarrely I have found that fruit bread helps!
I tried everything but the thing that worked for me was drinking sugary drinks like fruit juice & eating salt 'n' vinegar crisps.. I had HG so they have me tablets but I threw those up anyway so just stuck out the sickness & nausea.

I also bought the travel sickness bands & lived in them - they don't stop you being sick but they take the edge off.

Also don't let your self go hungry; I felt more sick when I had an empty stomach. If you can in the night snack on bread or biscuits & also have some Belvita biscuits or dry ryvita to snack on before you get up. I used to have to get up slowly as well as getting up to fast made me feel worse.

If you are worried about getting in any fruit or veg (I did because I only could eat stodge) I bought a nutri-ninja food blender & would blend lots of fruit with spinach in mixed with pineapple juice or apple juice & then down it before bed.

Hope this helps but everyone is different.

I tried the lemon & ginger hot tea bags - didn't work for me.

Ice lollies - didn't work.

Water - didn't work.

Ginger everything - didn't work.

Its a case of trying and seeing what works for you my lovely <3

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Root ginger in hot water is what's working for me at the minute. Eating lots of fruit is helping too...never been the case in any of my other pregnancies so quote strange for me...but like wishinghoping said, it's all trial and error and seeing what works best.
I've used preggy pops before and they're get them on Amazon. Oh, and rhubarb & custard hard boiled sweets do the trick aswell.

Hope is eases off for you soon xx
Oh I wish I could find something that works, normally in the mornings if I get up and eat cereal straight away it helps but not today, I feel awfully sick.
I also sucked on trebor mints & peppermint chewing-gum so my mouth didn't taste gross

Ugh hunnie, it sucks eh! With my son (many moons ago) nowt helped, but I found that with my daughter eating regularly and not allowing myself to get hungry worked. I haven't quite hit the full blown nausea yet with this little one (only 5 1/2 weeks) just a metallic taste in mouth and seriously mild nausea this morning, but I'm hoping that I don't get it this time around! Yeah right haha.

Good luck in finding something that works for you Hun, you will feel so much better when you're able to get it under control. x
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My midwife recommended flat coke, frozen grapes and icepops to help nausea and get some sugar in.
Sick bands, frozen or really cold ribena and ice lollies worked for me. x
Eating little and regularly and also keep small packet of sour/fizzy haribo for a quick sugar hit/sour taste seems to help.

Other than that, dry ryvita is in my bag at all times as find if I've been sick I need to quickly then shove something in my mouth to feel better!
Eating little and often. I have fruit smoothies easier to get into me at the moment
Baba flavoured hoola hoops is my thing today:oooo:
I have to disagree with Hutchy - anything mint made me nauseous, many a time I was retching after cleaning my teeth, still do sometimes.

My only remedy was little and often and sip water all day xx
Today isworse for me made scrambled egg and beans and couldn't eat it

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