Tiredness and nausea


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2008
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Has anyone else got worse tiredness and nausea at around 7 weeks, I was coping but just seems to have got worse the last few days!!! Is it just me? :hug:
My nausea definitely got worse in week 7, and continued to be bad into week 8. It's a bit better now, and my appetite is slowly returning, so I'm hoping it's beginning to tail off!
it's normal , Im not yet 7 weeks but it seems worse everyday... it is supposed to be most intense at 7 weeks. thats what my Dr said. after that it stays the same and then wears off . hope it doesn't last long for u. I am soo fed up with it.
I have been feeling nauseous for the past week or so but never throwing up. Was actually feeling smug about how lightly I had got off. Then this morning, just as I hit 7 weeks, I started throwing up. Joy. :puke:

Can't wait for the first trimester to be over.
on balance it appears that most of us have been feeling sick from week 6 onwards till about week 13/14. Mine was quite severe a few weeks ago and is tailing off now but it peaks really badly miday. It will pass hun and it will go so jsut hang on in there. Rest as much as you can. I was exhausted for ages and had days off work here and there. Work cant discipline you either for being off sick with pregnancy realted sickness so you dont need to worry about that either. If you can get help around the house aswell, other half, helpful mum etc then that will make you feel much better. I coulndt lift my arse offa the sofa for weeks. I did make dinner tonight though and wash up etc so starting to get some enery back, fraid to say still feek quite sick though., big hugs and hope you feel better soon. :hug: :hug: :hug: oh, you do get used to it as well, im not quite sure i know what normal is now!!! LOL
yeah me too im really struggling a the mo seems like it all day especially early mornings and late afternoons. :wall:
my nausea and sickness has been so bad..its turned into all day sickness. The doctor prescribed some anti sickness tablets which are ok to take in pregnanacy and i find they really help.

I keep telling myself that the end result will be worth it and that it will get better in a few weeks time hopefully. :?

They say bad sickness is a sign that the baby will have lots of hair (old wives tale) :roll:

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