Natural or managed?

Thank you for sharing your experience Lynne, I hope you are as well as can be.

My bleeding is a lot heavier now (sorry if its tmi) more like a heavy period with small clots. I'm terrified its going to happen tonight or that ill get to hospital and they'll refuse to do it. Xx
You could ask them to scan you beforehand hun to see if you need to go ahead, you may pass everything on your own overnight. Will be thinking of you tomorrow xx
Hi J-anne, sending you big hugs for tomorrow and I hope you are ok overnight xx
Thank you again for your well wishes. Nothing happened overnight but started passing clots this morning. I came to hospital anyway but wish I hadn't. They started off by telling me they wouldn't do the op today as I needed to wait another week to be rescanned, bearing in mind is already had a pre op & examination with a consultant...! I told them how heavy the bleeding is so they examined me (worst experience of my life, I'd give birth 10 times over rather than have that done again.) and now they won't let me leave until I've passed everything. Who knows when that will be.x
Thank you again for your well wishes. Nothing happened overnight but started passing clots this morning. I came to hospital anyway but wish I hadn't. They started off by telling me they wouldn't do the op today as I needed to wait another week to be rescanned, bearing in mind is already had a pre op & examination with a consultant...! I told them how heavy the bleeding is so they examined me (worst experience of my life, I'd give birth 10 times over rather than have that done again.) and now they won't let me leave until I've passed everything. Who knows when that will be.x

Hi J_Anne, that sounded awful for you, can they not go ahead and do the procedure for you. Take care and keep your OH with you for support. xx
I'm home now. Didn't have the procedure so hopefully it's all over. Being rescanned in a week. I feel relieved that (fingers crossed) its all over.x
That sounds awful J_Anne, I am glad you are home and I really hope the worst is over for you. How crazy to book you in, only to be told you need to be scanned again :/ No changes here, any bleeding I had has stopped so it looks like Ill probably be heading down the surgical route. Can't believe I'll be 14/15 weeks by the time this horrendous ordeal has some kind of an end to it. I hope your next scan goes ok. Thinking of you, take care xxx
To be honest, once the examination was over, it was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting, I think I was very lucky.

Let me know how you get on xxx
Hi hun, I'm booked in for an ERPC tomorrow morning. I'm pretty frightened but I'm hoping that it will give me some closure. Hope you are doing well. Xx
Hi, good luck for tomorrow, ill be thinking of you, I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine! I'm ok thank you :) I found the day after it happened to be the worst emotionally, so far. I'm sure hormones must play a huge part as sometimes I wasn't thinking of anything in particular, but I wouldn't be able to stop crying although I was fine the day before. I've been quite busy the last couple of days which has helped. Let us know how you get on tomorrow xx
Hello again, I had my ERPC yesterday and the care I received was really incredible. I ended up being in recovery for a few hours due to very low blood pressure & oxygen levels & I came round "extremely distressed" as I read on my notes but I don't really remember this. After arriving at 7am, I was home by about 5pm and spent the rest of the evening on the sofa crying. I am quite sore today but I'm keeping dosed up on painkillers and I'm bleeding quite heavily but I was told to expect this. The physical pain is bearable but the feeling of complete emptiness & grief really hit me today- I think my hormones are still all over the place too. Thinking of you still & let's hope we never find ourselves in this position again. Thank you so much for being someone to talk and vent to throughout this! xxx
Hi, I thought it replied the other day but it obviously didn't work! I'm pleased to hear you were well looked after, I hope you have been well since the procedure? I went for my follow up scan today and they confirmed everything has passed, my bleeding has stopped too so not having a constant reminder feels a bit better. Xx
Hi J_Anne

I'm so sorry for your loss. From what I'm reading in the end you miscarried naturally? How are you doing now?

Hi, yes I did miscarry naturally. I was terrified of that happening at first as it was so unpredictable but in the end I was grateful of how things turned out. My daughter was already at my mums because I was booked in for the ERPC and hubby was off work. I was in hospital for the whole day as it started just as I needed to leave for the op!!! So the doctors did interfere a bit. I was very lucky in terms of physical pain, and I just feel back to normal physically now.

The day after I was a wreck, but it's slowly got easier every day. I'm a very practical person and I keep reminding myself that this has happened for a reason, which does help. I just need to carry on as normal for my daughter, I don't want her to be disrupted in anyway.x
Awh bless you. Is having your daughter to focus on helping you? Awh I'm pleased you've recovered well physically. My body has gone to pot and still having symptoms since the miscarriage - pain etc.

Sorry for your loss xx
Yes, definately it's impossible not to smile when you're with her! I'm sorry to hear you're still experiencing pain, have you seen a dr at all?x
Awh that's lovely hun. Yes they have been very unhelpful. Even when I was miscarrying they wouldn't even see me for pain relief - it was and still is 'we don't do anything for miscarriage'. I was lucky to even get a scan to confirm everything had passed as it took a whole day of asking for someone to take me seriously.

I'm hoping the pain etc will ease cause been nearly a week xx
How awful! Have you had your scan then? The drs at the hospital told me that as soon as everything had passed, any pain should subside?x
Yes I had scan to check everything had passed naturally which it had. I'm thinking the pain could be because I have pcos I hadn't had a period for 8 months before I fell pregnant (which made ttc a nightmare) so there's a lot to shed so lots of pain too? I dunno if that would be possible. Xx
Ahh right, I don't know anything about pcos, but that does seem to make sense. if you're worried at all you should speak to a dr. Where in the midlands are you from?xx

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