Natural birst after c-section


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2006
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I have just had my first midwife appointment and she has told me that I will automatically be offered a c-section, the choice is mine though. She did say that if I decided to have a natural birth I would be strapped up to a monitor throughout labour (can't remember what it was called) so I would be really limited with being able to move around and so on. I assume this means no water birth, pretty much just lying on a bed!!!

Has anyone else gone on to have a natural birth after a c-section? I would be really grateful to hear of your experiences, good and bad, if I end up having the option of going down the natural route, I'm sure I'll be screaming for a c-section while I'm in labour!! :)

I really want to make an informed decision and I would really like to experience a natural birth as it was something I felt like I had missed out when my daughter was born.

Thanks for your help.
Not had a c section but have read stories from other women who had them with first baby and went on to have VBAC with second.

IIRC if you have your second within 2 years of your C section they generally offer another C section. Something to do with healing and the effects of labour on the scar etc. You could always opt to try for a natural birth and if need be then have a C section if unable to deliver naturally. I'd think your consultant could advise you on the pros and cons and why they offer a C section for a second baby.

I'd like to think if you have a good pregnancy you could try for VBAC and maybe even a water birth, but I really could not say it would be so. I'd suggest doing lots of Googling on the subject and spending some time reading up on stats, birth stories and so on. Hopefully your hospital and consultant will be supportive of you trying for a VBAC at least and be prepared to be on stand by for a C section if it is needed.

What was the reason for your C section before? Are they concerned for the same thing occuring again? High risk in some area? All these things play their part.

Good luck :)
I had a c-section as my daughter was breech. It's possible this may happen again who know's could have been down to the shape of my womb! I'll just have to wait and see.

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