Natural or induced labour? What would u choose?

I would love a natural labour this time. I went overdue last time, it was awful..I spent the whole labour strapped on a monitor and hooked up to a drip.

If induction is offered just make sure you understand and agree with the reasons. Some doctors are very induction happy and policies vary a lot from area to area. I was told I needed an induction but I didn't agree with their reasons so I turned it down. Of course there are sometimes good reasons for an induction.
I will be requesting an induction next time round if my baby grows bigger than the last one. Or certainly looking into the options seriously.

I had a big baby, well 9lb 2oz at full term and seeing as they can pack on up to 1lb a week at the end if the next one looks like being overdue.

I had complications with the birth where the baby got stuck on delivery and caused a shoulder dystocia (and 9 months of physio and a plagiocephaly) and a lifeless baby when they did get her out. I don't want to go through that again ever so if induction is a solution I will take it.
I will be requesting an induction next time round if my baby grows bigger than the last one. Or certainly looking into the options seriously.

I had a big baby, well 9lb 2oz at full term and seeing as they can pack on up to 1lb a week at the end if the next one looks like being overdue.

I had complications with the birth where the baby got stuck on delivery and caused a shoulder dystocia (and 9 months of physio and a plagiocephaly) and a lifeless baby when they did get her out. I don't want to go through that again ever so if induction is a solution I will take it.

I certainly see where you are coming from. Don't forget that induction is a risk factor for shoulder dystocia too though so the risks need to be weighed up.
Just wanted to share my experience :)

I had my little boy, on the 2nd by natural labour! And it was a totally different experience, and so much better :)
He was 9 days early! Weighing 9lb1oz. My waters went at 1am and he was here by 3:09am, and I only had time for gas and air. The amazing part was that we were all back home by 7:30am!!!

So to answer my own question....I would choose natural labour :)
Thankyou to all that replied xx
Ive only had an induction before. But didn't like having to be strapped up to the monitors etc...

Really depends if you go naturally before your much overdue doesn't it :)
I was induced & it was fine! I had the tablet at 10.30pm, went on the drip & had epidural at 4.30am & had him at 2.30pm having slept from 4-9cm! I'd do it again in a heartbeat, no problems at all x
I've just seen you've had him, congrats! Wow & all so quick!! Lovely!!x

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