Experience of being induced?

are you going to UHW? If youre induced you cant use those lovely midwifery led unit rooms! You can opt to not be induced but have regular scans and check ups. The reason they induce is cos theres a risk the placenta wont be as efficient after 42 weeks, if it was me, I would refuse to be induced unless there was something wrong with me or the baby (or the placenta) but if all was fine Id want to wait, mainly cos I think having the double beds for your OH to join you on during labour would be amazing!!
are you going to UHW? If youre induced you cant use those lovely midwifery led unit rooms! You can opt to not be induced but have regular scans and check ups. The reason they induce is cos theres a risk the placenta wont be as efficient after 42 weeks, if it was me, I would refuse to be induced unless there was something wrong with me or the baby (or the placenta) but if all was fine Id want to wait, mainly cos I think having the double beds for your OH to join you on during labour would be amazing!!

Unfortunately yeah - unless the initial pessary works i wont get my own lovely room. I was looking forward to staying there too! Fingers crossed i wont need much to start me off and ill still get one.

Theres absolutely no way i can stand being pregnant any longer though - i would have been induced weeks ago if i had my own way! xx
I remember that feeling :lol: I told OH he had to put his semen on my cervix, it was the worst chat up line in the history of mankind, but I was desparate! I do believe sex was the only think that helped soften my cervix though!
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Lol! I think sex with me would actually terrify my OH at the moment - im a grumpy huge whale, ive gone from a size 8-10 and put on 4 stone so i feel disgusting! Hardly a sex kitten atm! lol x
lol same here, I dont think my OH found me sexy in any way, he probably wanted the baby out of me as much as I did, I was grumpy, huge and sweaty cos it was august! And I kept dropping things and leaving them on the floor so he had to pick them up when he got in from work :lo:

He was quite smug when I had my sweep the next day and she said my cervix had softened a little.
I think I remember saying something along the lines of "you started this pregnancy so you can bloody well help me finish it!"

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