Natural 3rd stage??


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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Are there advantages to opting for a natural third stage or do most peoe tend to have the injection to speed it up? I'm not really sure which I'd prefer. Also, is anyone waiting until the umbilical cord stops pumping before having it cut? I assume you have to have a nartural 3rd stage to opt for this?? Thanks xx
Hi Loulabelle

You can just state that you do not want the cord cut until it has stoped pulsing and have the injection - I just think they wait a little while before giving you the injection rather than giving it to you as the baby is born. You do not have to have a full natural 3rd stage for this. Put it in your birth plan but be aware that you may need to remind them or your Birth Partner might have to as the baby is being born. I would speak with your MW about this to to check tho as it might be different for each hospital/county etc

The only advantages I know of having a natural 3rd stage is that it's less unnatural hormones in your body. If you are having gas and air or other pain reliefd during labour this might not bother you....

My plan is to have a natural labour including 3rd stage - However if due to complications or exsessive bleeding etc I can't then I will have the injection.

Hope this helps! xx
Last edited:
im opting for the injection straight away as there is more chance of me bleeding badly with her being my 5th

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