3rd stage

english rose

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2011
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Hey ladies

Has anyone had / got any good advice about whether to have a physiological or 'managed' 3rd stage (i.e. are you planning to have the syntometrine injection to help get the placenta out?).

My midwife says that if all else has gone smoothly, there's no reason why that part shouldn't go smoothly too, but that synto is offered to mums as it has been shown to reduce the incidence of heavy bleeding.

I'm planning a home birth and so would like to avoid bleeding as much as possible, but wondered whether anyone has any ideas about this?


I've choosen to have a managed third stage. A - to reduce the risk of bleeding, and B to reduce the time - I'd rather be able to enjoy that with my new baby than be attempting to deliver a placenta possibly an hour later, especially if I'm exhausted.

I'm having it managed although not goin to have the injection until the cord has stopped pulsating. I want Pip to get all the antibodies in the cord blood before it is clamped and I deliver the placenta xx
We weren't given much of a choice in the mw led unit. If all goes well with birth you automatically are advised to have a physiological third stage. Although if anything goes wrong or you have an epi or c-section they automatically give you the injection. I'm going with the flow as I don't mind either way. I think I will just say to let the cord stop pulsing if I am gonna do it physiologically. All my family had the injection though and it was great for them and their little ones xxxxx
Haven't even heard of this....I should really start finding out what will happen lol

I'd have it, not sure I could handle watching the placenta slither out later tbh and OH would probably be traumatised for life xxxxxxxxx
When i had my first son, i had a managed 3rd stage, with my second i didn,t, i don,t think there was a lot of difference with how heavy i bled. The placenta was delivered within about 15 mins, so i didn,t have to wait long.
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I am not having the injection unless there is a medical emergency - if you are in the birth pool you are advised to get out to birth the placenta so they can estimate the blood loss better - I def wanted delayed cord clamping either way to make sure madam gets her full quota of blood :) Would love a home birth - really looking forward to reading how yours goes :)
I'm having managed but after cord has stopped pulsating x

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