Nappy off time!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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What do you do, how often do you let them get some air and freedom?

I don't do this in my living room anymore as he managed a big fountain that stripped the varnish off the floor lol! Now I leave him on changing mat on bathroom floor while I'm getting a shower and ready in the morning, easy to clean up wee! Then he has a massage before I dress him, it's nice and warm in our bathroom too. He also has a bath every evening so gets a bit of freedom then too. Guess this gets harder when they can move about!
I haven't been very good at this recently after she started rolling like mad and leaving lots of trails of pee for me to clean :lol:

Good idea about the bathroom, I couldn't do this now that she's quite mobile. ;)
Should this be done from newborn? Issac cries a lot at getting naked and my house isn't too warm either. :-/ xx
We do nappy free time every day. Minimum 10 mins, max about 30-40 mins. In the summer obviously nappy is off for longer, and atm if he gets too cold will dress him again.

Before he was mobile we used to do it on our bed with a towel down, but now he's off n about we do it in his room so he can play with his toys etc

In the summer we let him go completely naked, but now it's frickin freezing we leave vest on and pyjama top and tuck them up coz otherwise he wees on his vest lol
I'm afraid that we don't do any nappy off time (although I clean and dry her as soon as I find out that she'd wet or dirty (this is fairly simple as she starts to fuss and cry immediately when it happens). So hopefully this won't do her any harm.

The main reason is that she hates being undressed and won't tolerate just being put to lie down somewhere, and carrying her naked about a rented house with light carpets is just asking to lose our deposit :roll:.
We have nappy off time twice a day. First is morning before he gets washed & changed for the day

2nd time is just after bath time.

It's funny cos Kynon loves it now but hated his nappy off the first couple of weeks!
Lisa- it's good for them to get some air and kick about but I think it takes a few weeks before they feel happy about it as it makes them feel insecure and vulnerable. I started doing it when he stopped screaming at nappy changes. Just make sure the room is really warm and he has a towel under him, do you have a towel under him when you change him? We didn't at first and I think he used to cry cos the mat was freezing on his bum!
I must cpnfess we haven't been able to do this yet as LO screams his head off when he's being changed. Even though we change him in the warmest room in the house, he just hates being semi-naked. He's the same at bath time. Loves being in the water but really screams when we take him out. Even when we swaddle him in a warm towel straight away he only stops when he's dressed again.
Avery absolutely loves woohoohoo time and always has :lol:

That's what I sing to her when she's in the nuddy. She gives a big manga smile, I tap her bottom and go woo-hoo-hoo and she loves it. She gets about 10 mins on one or two occasions throughout the day usually. Any longer than that and she would be drenched in pee :lol: She lies on her change mat with her butt on top of an opened clean nappy just in case she does a pee in the hope that it'll catch most of it. Come to think of it, it never does so I guess I waste a nappy for nowt :wall2: x
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We tried nappy off time and the room was surprisingly warm and he didn't cry until about 10mins through. :) I'm just gonna keep trying to get him used to it. Maybe it will he'll with bath times as he screams through that. :-( xx
I didn't even realise nappy off time was needed, doh!!!! :shock:
Owen has nappy off time usually in the evening before his bath :)
I didn't even realise nappy off time was needed, doh!!!! :shock:

:lol: I don't think there's a rule that you must hun...tbh I just picked it up from my own Mum when I had my DS. Dunno if it was an old way of getting out of washing too many Terry towelling nappies or an actual must :lol: x
We did try it today after his bath, he protested very loudly then poo'd on the towel :roll:
We have nappy off time after bath and she has a little massage too :) think it must be nice for them to get some air to their bits after being in nappy all day!

It Los bum is a little sore too, a bit of 'air time' works wonders for healing it x

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!

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