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Napping nightmare...


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Can anyone help with advice about daytime naps?
Am nearly at the end of my rope with Sam napping no longer than 30 mins at a time in the day, i'm knackered and he gets really grumpy and hard to settle by the afternoon as he's so tired. He's always been a sleep fighter but never this bad...
Calleigh got to a point where she would only nap for about 45 mins in the day, it was so tiring on her and me.

She would never want to sleep when i put her down and would get upset if i wasnt there. In the end i just got to the point of sticking the boob in her mouth till she slept.

Eventually i decided that isnt obviously the best way to go as she will always want boob to go to sleep, so i got tough and when she showed the signs of tiredness i would put her down to sleep and leave the room. She would moan away (not cry) or even continue to try and chatter away to herself but she would tire and eventually go to sleep.
I think the problem for me was that she wouldnt sleep with me there in the room with her, but as she got upset i went to try to comfort her.

She now only has two naps during the day usually lasting just over an hour and i have settles for that, she just isnt one for sleeping in the day.
There have been occasions where she has slept longer but they are few and far between.
Arianna was a power napper when she was a baby too. Best thing I ever bought was a vibrating bouncer... she would fall asleep on that and then I would move her through to her cot. :)
Not sure where your LO sleeps during the day but I put Maia down in her own room in her cot with the curtains closed so its nice and dark and she goes down as soon as she gives me the sleep signs i.e whinging/moaning but not crying, rubbing head and eyes, playing with ears.

She might moan a bit when I put her down or sometimes shes gone as soon as her head hits the mattress and sometimes i'll have to go back in to he cause she drops her dummy.

Sometimes she naps for an hour - hour and half, sometimes 45 mins just depends.
I have this problem too hun, so I know how you feel. i don't understand why my Lo goes straight off to sleep at night but really fights it in the day. She just has little naps lasting about 20/30 mins and I have to rock her etc to get her to do that!!! :wall: :wall: i have been trying to catch her as soon as she shows signs of tiredness but she fights sleep no matter what I do. If I put her in her moses basket she gets hysterical so I have to keep her on my knee then gently put her in her swing/car seat. Everyone keeps saying ' don't worry about it of she sleeps at night' but by tea time she is really whingy cos she's tired!! When I add up how much she sleeps in a day it usually adds up to about 2 hours, sometimes less (I'm sure that's not enough!!!) so....sorry I'm not much help, just thought I'd let you know that other babies do the same thing.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

keep the advice coming girls! :D

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