Nap time


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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How does it work routine wise for your babies?

Do they go down well?

Jack wakes at 6.30ish, naps at 8.30ish for up to 90mins, then at 1.30ish for up to 90mins then a cat nap at 5ish and bed at 9pm. He like to be rocked to sleep but I always lay him in his cot and leave him to it for 10mins, sometimes he goes on his own but most of the time I end up rocking him off to sleep. Only takes 2 mins though x
Grace goes down 1.5/2hrs after she last woke up for 30-45mins. As soon as she rubs her eyes she goes down in her cot and will generally roll around like a mad woman for 5-10 mins before dropping off. I leave the room and either potter about upstairs or browse tap talk while lounging on my bed :)
She had very recently dropped her afternoon nap so is awake from 2:30/3pm until bedtime at 7:30.
O has started getting more in a routine. He wakes at 7.30-8am and naps at 9.30os for about 45 mins then again at 1ish for about 20 mins then about 4.30 for about an hour then bed at 8pm :) sometimes he drops off inbetween but only for like 10 mins he he
Do u guys go through the whole lights out, into gro bag, into the cot?

Sophie has a big nap in the afternoon for about 2 and a half hours and by the time she's woken up she's up for an hour and a half and then you can tell she's ready to go to bed properly x
Nope just bottle, cuddles and on the playmat with a blanket underneath her
Yes Jack goes down for all of his naps in his cot, in the dark & in his gro bag x
Grace has curtains closed and down with her nap blanket. Sometimes I put her music on if there is lots of noise outside
I don't really have a routine yet, but hope to Get one later. My little girl prefers to fall asleep on my chest, so will have to work hard to make her sleep in her basket.
I'm kind of letting him fall asleep wherever atm in the day. He sleeps for about half an hour to an hour a few hours after he has woken up in morning. Afternoon seems to vary. If we're out and he is in car seat he can sleep for quite a while.


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Night time he goes from 7-8 but last few days has conked out at half 6. X

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I don't have scheduled nap times for her as I don't know how long she sleeps for, could 30 mins could be an hour and a half, so I just put her down when she's tired which is usually 1.5-2 hours after waking. As soon as I see the first yawn or eye rub I put her down. She goes in her cot either in just a blanket or sleeping bag with the lights off + curtains closed xx
Hannah got up at 6:30 this morning and then went back down for her nap at 8am......she always gets put back in her swaddle and into her moses basket for naps, but we leave the curtains open so she knows, or will start to know! that it is daytime naps and not night time sleeps!

I had to wake her up at 11am to feed her and she was back down for another nap by 12:20 and still asleep...

will wake her around 3:30 if she hasnt already woken (which she probably will have) to give her another feed and then she may have a cat nap before bath...but we always bath her at 6pm, then feed then back down to bed (with curtains shut) for the night.....

so far so good (touch wood)...

obviosuly she is sleeping a lot cos she stil only ickle...she only 6 weeks this thursday..

i have no nap routine, Alyssa has discovered fighting sleep this week so cant predict when or if she will sleep or for how long. atm she wants to suckle on me 24/7 as of yesterday lol. last night was the first time ive seen 6am since she was born
Bev, I swear our daughters are the same! K will sleep if I let her comfort nurse, but fights it if we try doing anything else. What I would give to have a baby that I could put down for naps lol. She generally gets tired about an hour adter she wakes and takes about half an hour to setltle then sleeps for 30mins to an hour. No scheduled routine yet though.
Will tends to nap 2 hours after a feed for about 30-45 mins. Usually have to get him off to sleep tho! Doea this about 3 times a day x
We used to have a nightmare with naps, but once getting into a routine (putting Kayden down 2hours after he woke) he's been absolutely fine, he goes down no bother, just put him in his buggy he's off within about a minute. He knows the routine so isn't confused!


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