Nap/self settle thread

l_maclean, sorry to hear you have had a rough couple of days with Georgia, E went through a similar phase when she started teething. That is also when she stopped self settling all together and wouldn't sleep unless on one of us, until we started the controlled crying. I really hope it's just a short phase for you and she gets back to self settling for you in no time.
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I think there's something in the air Lorna, Tyler keeps shouting today.

Just gone down for nap no 2, dunno it it'll work :|

I maybe could tried a bit harder with the nap - I just didn't want her to scream again. Lol. She never really cries so I'm soooo not used to this!!
well done TY - we failed again - proper screaming - which given she doesnt usually do this - im not up for stressing her out just now. so have put her in the moby - so i cant get on with things. xxx
Tyler self settled for 3 naps and was fed to sleep for 1 a new record!!
Well she self settled at bed time. Guessing she's just feeling poorly, so I'll not worry too much about the cuddles during the day just now.
How are you doing today girls?

Tyler totally wouldnt go to sleep at all before his photos and was exhausted by the time we finished so I fed him off and he slept for an hour and 40 mins! His next sleep he self settled for, for 40 mins! He seem's to do it a lot better when we are home alone (this morning MIL was over) do you think he knows that he's missing out on attention?
Must be something in the air again. E wouldn't sleep during her normal nap times today. She woke at 4am and didn't go for her first nap (apart from 5 mins in the car) until around 1pm. Then I think she playing and just conked out unintentionally and slept for around 30 mins.
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How are you doing today girls?

Tyler totally wouldnt go to sleep at all before his photos and was exhausted by the time we finished so I fed him off and he slept for an hour and 40 mins! His next sleep he self settled for, for 40 mins! He seem's to do it a lot better when we are home alone (this morning MIL was over) do you think he knows that he's missing out on attention?

quite possibly. im sure G is a nosey little bugger. ive given up taking her into church in her car seat because the minute the service starts she moans to get out - yet she'll sit silently in someones arms. they know a lot more than we think they do.

We've reverted slightly and he'll only let me feed him to sleep. Any tips?

Ok - I hope I don't jinx this but we are in the pram, cuddling a blanket, just about asleep!! SCORE!!!
We've reverted slightly and he'll only let me feed him to sleep. Any tips?

We used to have similar issues, E would only sleep if feeding or being cuddled by myself. I always said that I was totally against controlled crying as I thought it was cruel. However in the end, I felt like I had no other choice and after a while she learnt and now happily falls asleep on her own without cuddles or feeds.

I just made sure she knew she wasn't being deserted or anything and would stay with her while she was crying not never picked her up. If you can handle hearing him cry, I would give it a go. It did take about 2 hours of crying the very first time though, so patience is needed.
The problem we've been having with Samira's naps is that she only sleeps for 30-40 minutes, then wakes up and is grumpy and tired pretty much all day long. WELL - today the HV suggested playing a lullaby CD on repeat on very low volume while she's asleep, and lo and behold, whilst I've heard her wake up twice over the babyphone she went straight back to sleep both times, has now been asleep for 1 hour and 45 minutes and is still out with the fairies! Of course it may be total coincidence, but I'm praying that it isn't and that it maybe will improve her nighttime sleeping (which is awful) as well... Fingers crossed!!!
We've reverted slightly and he'll only let me feed him to sleep. Any tips?

Have you tried having a CD on to help him settle (see my above thread)? Maybe that would work for him as well? (Sorry, I have to admit I haven't read through all the many posts in this thread, so if this is something you have already tried, forgive me!)
fine in the mornings and at night time...but she is a little monkey going down for afternoon nap....she just wont sleep for any decent length of time.

always put her down to give her the opportunity and she wil often just lie there all i suppose that is still giving her chance to rest...

how about you?x
He's been doing great and going for an hour or more its just a challenge getting him off. Most days (I know this is naughty) I feed him off to sleep but I ALWAYS give him the chance to self settle for an hour or so first, which he does do about 30-40% of the time. He's having a bad day today and hasn't gone off! He was sleeping when I was feeding and waking whenever I moved!

fine in the mornings and at night time...but she is a little monkey going down for afternoon nap....she just wont sleep for any decent length of time.

always put her down to give her the opportunity and she wil often just lie there all i suppose that is still giving her chance to rest...

how about you?x

Georgia is exactly the same - will go straight back to sleep after a 7am feeding (clearly takes after mummy and doesnt do mornings) - self settles absolutely no problem at 11.30 ish, then usually again after lunch - yet anything after 4pm is a complete no go - no matter how tired she is.

yet she goes to bed about 9.30 quite happily. xxx
Doing a repeat performance of her 2-hour daytime nap right now, but this is the first time since my last post - in the meantime she was doing her usual napping 20 minutes here and 30 minutes there without me being able the re-settle her. Nights are still rubbish, too (although she settles to sleep all right, but then wakes up countless times during the night). I suppose I'll just have to resign myself to the fact that I have an unpredictable little girl at my hands!

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