Nap/self settle thread

I officially love my MIL Tyler went mad in his cot again and I put the light show on that she got me. Just checked up on him and he's asleep!!! Thank god! I hope its longer than the 20 mins he had earlier!

Ruby is now having her 2nd nap she has fell asleep on my knee . She has slept alot today but like I said earlier she is not well so think this is why xxx
she is also starting to lose her she going to be a blondie like me i the dark starting to fall out and she has really fair eyelashes and eyebrows
Woo hoo, E actually slept for nearly an hr and a half at lunch time. That was the first time she has ever self settled on her mat and slept for longer then 30 mins. Next step will be to put her in her cotbed for naps, just want to make sure she has got self settling sorted first.

We really need to make sure she can self settle anywhere by December. Last thing we need is a screaming baby on a plane who refuses to sleep.
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Does your LO know the time?? G is point blank refusing to go into her crib right now, but is asleep on DHs shoulder. She normally goes into her crib at the same time we go to bed, without any fuss.

She did the same thing to DH while I was out on thursday - yet when I came in at 10pm he put her down, and not a peep!

I don't have the energy to fight with her tonight.

I am sure Hannah knows 5pm cos she starts to winge! And then she knows it's bath time at 6 I am sure!!!! X
Does your LO know the time?? G is point blank refusing to go into her crib right now, but is asleep on DHs shoulder. She normally goes into her crib at the same time we go to bed, without any fuss.

She did the same thing to DH while I was out on thursday - yet when I came in at 10pm he put her down, and not a peep!

I don't have the energy to fight with her tonight.


Are you putting her to bed earlier or is she naturally wanting to? When we tried to put Tyler to bed he wouldn't but he naturally got wingeier earlier in the day so I would just adjust his bed time accordingly!

Does your LO know the time?? G is point blank refusing to go into her crib right now, but is asleep on DHs shoulder. She normally goes into her crib at the same time we go to bed, without any fuss.

She did the same thing to DH while I was out on thursday - yet when I came in at 10pm he put her down, and not a peep!

I don't have the energy to fight with her tonight.


Are you putting her to bed earlier or is she naturally wanting to? When we tried to put Tyler to bed he wouldn't but he naturally got wingeier earlier in the day so I would just adjust his bed time accordingly!

ell i know tonight i just thought id have a go at earlier, so maybe thats the problem.

shes still being kinda clingy tonight, which isnt really like her either. xxx
Does anyone else have a lo who goes from being happy to completely upset in a second? K gets so upset when she is tired. No whining or moanin or anything. She smiles one second then full on cry the next. I have tried putting her down before she gets upset but it doesn't make her settle any easier. During the day the only way she will sleep is if I am holding her.
It's taken me an hour (in the bedroom) over all (had a feeding break half way) but he's finally down for his morning nap!

Does anyone else have a lo who goes from being happy to completely upset in a second? K gets so upset when she is tired. No whining or moanin or anything. She smiles one second then full on cry the next. I have tried putting her down before she gets upset but it doesn't make her settle any easier. During the day the only way she will sleep is if I am holding her.

Mine is the same she only sleeps when in her pram or when being held , when she goes in her crib in the day time she just screams xxx
Does anyone else have a lo who goes from being happy to completely upset in a second? K gets so upset when she is tired. No whining or moanin or anything. She smiles one second then full on cry the next. I have tried putting her down before she gets upset but it doesn't make her settle any easier. During the day the only way she will sleep is if I am holding her.

E used to be similar, happy one minute and just start crying and rubbing her face into me the next. It then got worse and should refuse to sleep on me until she cried herself to sleep. That was the turning point for me and I had to do controlled crying to get her to self settle. I hated it but had no choice really, it took about a week or two and sometimes up to 2 hrs of crying but it has worked (for the most parts) and she will happily fall asleep on her play mat with her bunny as soon as she is tired. She sometimes still cries if she is over tired or her gums hurt.
Manda how old was she when you started the controlled cryng? I just feel so bad for her, she sounds completely devastated, poor thing!
She used to self settle until she was just short of 2 months old then either myself or Oh had to put her to sleep on our chests. When she was about 3 1/2 months old, she would only settle on me. When she hit the 4 month mark, she started crying and screaming and fighting sleep even when on me. I honestly wanted to wait till she was 6 months old before trying to do controlled crying. However when she was a little short of 5 months, I couldn't handle it any more and had to start the controlled crying. I do wish I had done it from an earlier age so she wasn't so used to sleeping on me.

I won't lie, it is very hard to hear your baby crying and not go and pick them up. I was almost crying with her. As long as you know they don't need any of the usual things, then you just have to restrain yourself from intervening. She is more relaxed and happy now and so am I, though it is still early days.
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Well, we went to visit dh's parents this weekend and it is a 5 hour (7 with K) drive away. In the car I had no choice bu to let her cry to fall asleep and she did quite well. So today for her first nap I put her in her room and stood next to her and just rubbed her belly. She cried but not a full on cry and fell asleep after about ten minutes! She has now been asleep for about ten! Fx this is the beginning of a good thing!
SElf settling is so hard i have been tryin for an hour raa just give in child

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Right he's down for his first nap having a fuss if he's up still at 10 he's due a feed so I'll try after.

Major fail today!! :(

Normally we manage self settling both at night and in the morning - for some reason we've not quite cracked the afternoon yet!!

Well on Sunday night she was really grumpy with a fair bit of crying (most unlike her) so she got cuddled to sleep!! Yesterday was a whole new ball game - I've never heard her scream like that - nearly all day!! Think it's her teeth, so bed time cuddles again. She slept brilliantly over night though, 11-6 & 6.30-10.

Tried to put her down at 11.30ish cos she was getting grumpy, but the self settling just wasn't working!! Picked her up prob quicker than I would normally just cos I don't want a repeat of yesterday!! Now sitting on sofa with a sleepy, but wriggly baby I'm not keen to put down incase the screaming starts again!!

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