Names for your bump?


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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Hi all

Just curious to what you all call your baby's at the moment while they are still in the bump?

We started off referring to ours as Little Bun (since its a wee bun in the oven) but now it just seems to be Bun. Going to be hard to stop calling the baby that when it arrives! :lol:

T x
wee call ours baby bump or tiny toes cause she is so small in there lol we call my daughter who is 6 in Jan tiny bum lol xx
before we knew we were having a girl and before we had a name picked for her, we called bump 'Jellybean'!
Just popping in from tri 1. My DH has always joked about calling a son Elvis as he is a huge fan. Not going to happen but it has stuck as the name for "bump". My dad keeps emailing me saying "how's Elvis?" ha ha x
mine literally is "our baby" lol nothing fancy at all! i love it when OH kisses or rubs bump, very cute :) x
Mine was bean or kb (kidney bean) untill I had my 20 week scan, now I can refer to him as well him, he, Matthew, makes it feel so real calling him by his name already!
Since I've known its a boy I've been calling the bump Tomos, which is going to be our little boys name. But its called just 'baby'or 'bump' in front of other people apart from my OH.
We refer to the baby as prawny, from my loving best friend :rofl: 'cause the baby looks like a prawn for so long, its juts always been little prawny and has stuck :lol: xx
and "she" is a common way of reffering to baby - im going to keep my name choices secret so not going to call her a name just yet :D
My mum has nicknamed my bump 'marsha' because before I got pregnant she joked that she would be like the stepmum in In Her Shoes who refers to her daughter as ' my marsha' it started as a joke bit then it just stuck I have to keep warning her that she needs to be careful she doesn't call my daughter marsha when she is born as that won't be her name!! Lol dh and I call her bubbaloo at home
got a few names for my bump lol

mittens, mufflepuff and twinkle toes loool
Jelly belly, think it was because i was a size 8 before, and before my tummy started to turn into a really bump it was a bit like a wobbly jelly belly. Then we joked Ellie Jelly belly, and then we both went, we like Ellie, LOL. Hope you managed to follow that. I don't call her by the name we hope to use at the moment, just in case it is a boy and they got it wrong. But refer to it as Jelly belly.
lol our bump name changes weekly as we have a preg book that says this week your baby is the size of a "named fruit" so it began as baby blueberry, and then contued up the scale last week it was baby lemon and this week its thrown us as it doenst have a specific fruit in the book it says half a banana or bigger than a lemon and an official this week is just "bump" lol
We have always referred to ours a 'pea' but my OH has recently started referring to it as 'Jimmy'! No idea why as we don't know the sex yet and wont be calling him that if it's a boy! x
I called my bump George as i was convinced he was a boy until we found out George was a girl LOL
Now i just call my bump Madam, but have to admit i sometimes forget and refer to her as George still Ooooops!!!

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