My waters!!!!

lozzijane said:
clairem1984 said:
lozzijane said:
just back from midwife and she said the blood is a show, and the swab to check my waters is just covered in blood and show... nice lol she said my waters are intact so she said im trickling? babies head is really low, she did a membrane sweep and said basically "await the labour"

have any of you had a membrane sweep?!


so ur waters are just leaking?

ick membrane sweep, dont like the sound of that. what did she do?

christ knows what she meant by trickling... she didnt seem to be concerned by it....

the sweep i didnt enjoy haha, she basically put fingers into my cervix and swept round up at the top.... niceeeeeee lol

ewww like a midwife fingering you :shock:

lol sorry
clairem1984 said:
lozzijane said:
clairem1984 said:
lozzijane said:
just back from midwife and she said the blood is a show, and the swab to check my waters is just covered in blood and show... nice lol she said my waters are intact so she said im trickling? babies head is really low, she did a membrane sweep and said basically "await the labour"

have any of you had a membrane sweep?!


so ur waters are just leaking?

ick membrane sweep, dont like the sound of that. what did she do?

christ knows what she meant by trickling... she didnt seem to be concerned by it....

the sweep i didnt enjoy haha, she basically put fingers into my cervix and swept round up at the top.... niceeeeeee lol

ewww like a midwife fingering you :shock:

lol sorry

LMAO god no....

ABSOLTULY NOTHING pleasurable about a sweep :(
lozzijane said:
clairem1984 said:
lozzijane said:
clairem1984 said:
lozzijane said:
just back from midwife and she said the blood is a show, and the swab to check my waters is just covered in blood and show... nice lol she said my waters are intact so she said im trickling? babies head is really low, she did a membrane sweep and said basically "await the labour"

have any of you had a membrane sweep?!


so ur waters are just leaking?

ick membrane sweep, dont like the sound of that. what did she do?

christ knows what she meant by trickling... she didnt seem to be concerned by it....

the sweep i didnt enjoy haha, she basically put fingers into my cervix and swept round up at the top.... niceeeeeee lol

ewww like a midwife fingering you :shock:

lol sorry

LMAO god no....

ABSOLTULY NOTHING pleasurable about a sweep :(

:rotfl: well hope it gets you going in the other sense lol
im going for a sleep try and sleep these pains away,

potentially they cud get a lot worse, so i wanna sleep thru as much as i can of it :D haha
sounds like a good idea :) let us know if theres any news
lozzijane said:
im going for a sleep try and sleep these pains away,

potentially they cud get a lot worse, so i wanna sleep thru as much as i can of it :D haha

Good idea, hope things move along for you at a decent pace now though, good luck. :hug:
Wow, how exciting!! :cheer:

**zoe goes off to sulk in corner, wishing it was her waters....**

I am booked in for a sweep monday, cant say I am looking forward to it, it sounds GROSS!!!

Good luck Loz, will be following this thread today with bated breath xxx
Thinking about you and waiting for news!
im up, cant sleep, u kno i said i was having crampy pains.. well there chuffin killing now, like take ur breath away kinda pains.

god i hope this is it and i give birth today!

WOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEE, sounds like the real deal to me hunny!! :cheer:

Come on Loz, get this baby out!!!

Ah, you so wanted to give birth today too, how perfect!! (Its my OHs birthday so its a nice date tooxx)
its so gross, you kno i was really concerned about my waters exploding everywere whilst i was out and about or something, well i wish they had gone in one big gush, everytime i move more fluid goes not pleasant feeling at all!
My sisters leaked for 2 weeks, and she HATED it, she walked like John Wayne with big thick maternity pads :puke:

Do you have loads of labour dust stashed there then chick? remember me if you have and chuck it this way later today once you ar cuddling your little princess :cheer:
good luck!
im chatting to you on msn right now but i thought i would wish you luck in here!
:hug: :hug:

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