I dont usually post in this section but thought i would share my simular experience!
I was leaking water for a full day (no show) thought nothing of it, i had period type cramps on and off!
Anyway i went in to be examined at 6 at night was sent home after 2 hours monitoring, i wasnt dilated and but the monitor was showing mild contractions and they wasn't sure if my waters had gone because they couldn't reach my cervix it was too far back

! The midwife had done a sweep while she was cheaking and i believe this had got things going!
Anyway on the way home contractions started to get more painful, had a show when got home, tried to goto bed ended up going back early hours in the morning
It turned out that my waters hadn't gone and i had my babygirl at 3.23pm the next day!
I was so scared like you that it was going to stop but it didn't
Your situation sounds very simular to mine so id say your on your way specially with the pains your having!
Good luck and try to keep us posted!