My Sofia is such a piglet!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Had my postnatal check thing yesterday at the clinic, took Sofia and she said do i want her weighed. So i stripped her, put her on the scales and shes put on 14 OUNCES!!!! nearly a pound and she was only 10 days old!! Jeez! and im breastfeeding completely! Midwife couldnt believe it haha! im so proud :D :dance:
That's fantastic Hun well done you! xx
:rofl: gem that is awesome! Lol!

Thanks guys, I'm so glad it's working out so well for us with the breastfeeding! Can't believe it! X
Well done you!! It's such a great feeling when they're doing well and it's all down to your boobies!
Well done!!
i bet its because you were so positive about breastfeeding before Sofia arrived, i went in to it thinking i was going to fail. Positive Mental Attitude!!
:) awesome! I also think you went into breastfeeding with a positive attitude :) well done you! And Sofia

Well done Flexi & Sophia! :pompom:

My Joseph was like this at his first weigh in, he went from 7-9 to 8-5 in just over a week (the first time he was weighed). It's a lovely feeling isn't it? Knowing that you alone are keeping your baby nourished.

Joe is exclusively breastfed & I have to say, I couldn't wait to start feeding him so I think it deffo helps being positive about. :dance:
yeah i think attitude has a lot to do with it to be honest, i am very chilled out about everything and i think its paying off. Today she weighed in at 8lbs 10!! cant believe it! x

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