My precious baby born sleeping 1/4/12

That makes my heart ache so much for you, im so so sorry he sounds just the most special perfect little man huge hugs to you x
thanks ladies it means alot, still finding it really difficult, not recovering from the birth very well and its been almost 6 weeks but on antibiotics and norethisterone so hopefully that will help, been to little mans grave everyday and kept it looking beautiful, feels wrong that the only things i can buy him is for his grave :( but he has the most beautiful flowers and toys on there and we are in the process of trying to find a headstone xx thanks everyone and thankyou to 2 of the ladies who i went through my pregnancy journey with who have donated to SANDS in memory of jack on my facebook page, its very kind xxxx
hun I am so very, very sorry for your loss, there's nothing I can say that will help but if you need anything I'm here x x x
There are no words :hugs:

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Having just had to join this section of the forum myself I can't describe how sad I was to see this post. My heart breaks for you and I cannot even begin to imagine how you must be feeling. I hope you find strength to get through the tough times and I wish that life brings you joy in the future. I'm sure you're little man is so proud of his mommy when he looks down to see how devoted you have been to keeping his grave looking so perfect. I know a strangers words won't bring him back but I hope that seeing how many ladies are on here thinking about you and wishing you well will bring some small comfort along the way. Xxxxx
Aw im so so sorry fr your loss hun.. I cant even put into words how sorry i am. Cherish those memories you had with your little one, He will always be right beside you in everything you do, looking down and taking care of you. My thoughts are with you and your family.... Big hugs, xxxx
I am so sorry for ur loss! Can't even imagine what ur going through, hope u have lots of support around u, I'm sending big hugs xxxxx
The world is not good enough for my boy so he's gone straight to heaven with the other angels xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Heart breaking story...Don't know what to say, had miscarriage as well, but an early. Whish you good lock and You are very strong person!!!!
So sad reading your story like others have said your so strong, your son is lucky to have you as his mummy :hugs: xx

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