Feel so sad


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Sat here thinking....about what could have been....hurts so much....get this pain in my chest, it's suffocating.....I realize it's my heart breaking.

Boobs leaking that precious first milk that should have been for my boy....the body is so cruel.

Feel so very empty...I miss that connection, knowing that a life is growing inside....I think back to my scan and remember him...looked like he hiccuped, was so very sweet..

I waited 18 years to see a precious life on the screen and now he's gone....doesn't seem real....so very difficult to accept...I want my baby back :(
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You poor thing :( As it is always said, time is a great healer, but I know that doesn't help you right now. I remember how empty and sad I felt after an early mc at 6 weeks, so I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. Really hope you feel better soon, but just take your time coming to terms with things xx
I'm so sorry... I can relate to the emptiness ur feeling I feel that everyday.. rubbing my belly just wanting to be pg again.. time is a great healer, I hope and pray to god to get u through this sad time. x
i know how you feel sweety i still hold my belly today and yearn for my little bubs to come back
Tee what kind of aftercare have you been offered?

Did the Dr's discuss any kind of Bereavement counselling?

When are you next due to see someone (medically?)

Sweetheart, I can only imagine your pain and sadness and I just want to give you a give hug

:hugs: darling. I'm going to pm you about this.xx
:hugs: I know it doesn't mean much now darling but things will get easier in time. Your precious little prince will always be with you in your heart xxxxxxxx
Oh hunny, I'm so so sorry you're going through this. Reading your posts has me holding back the tears. I don't even know what I can say to help, I just want to send you a great big hug. Get cuddling your puppies, my doggies always know how to make me feel better. Xx
Tee what kind of aftercare have you been offered?

Did the Dr's discuss any kind of Bereavement counselling?

When are you next due to see someone (medically?)

Sweetheart, I can only imagine your pain and sadness and I just want to give you a give hug


When I called doc today about my boobs she asked if I was offered counselling. They did mention it at the hospital when I first went in but nothing was said before I left. Doc said to ring her if I want to arrange something. But to be honest I have been through alot of bad things and a few years ago I had counselling but it didn't help....she basically told me she couldn't help as she wasn't qualified enough to deal with the trauma I've had in my life and I would need to see several that covered specific things....I gave up in end.

My next app with doc is in 3mths to do tests on me to see what went wrong x
So sorry to hear about everything you have gone through, brought tears to my eyes reading your posts. :hugs: x
sending massive hugs to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
aww tee, Im so sorry to hear this :( Keep us updated on how you are...sending you big hugs xxxxx
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