Day 54 - 19th Dec - Elexia cold and cough gradually got worse so i decided to take her to the doctors to get it checked out. The doctor checked her over snd said she had a common cold and gave a prescription for nasal drops. They worked at first but she gradually got worse, she polished her night time bottle of 6oz and then slept till 3.30 but when i tried to feed her she only had 2oz's and went back to sleep, i just thought she was tired!
Day 55 - 20th Dec - Elexia woke up at 7 and only drank 2oz's again, the next bottle was 1oz and then she had no more, she wanted it but couldnt swallow it. So i called the doctors to get an emergency appointment, this time it was with a different doctor, she checked Elexia over and told me I need to take her to the doc as she has bronchiolitis and she need to be admitted to hospital
I went home grabbed some of Elexia things then went to hospital, we were meant to be going to the assessment unit but as soon as i took her in they transferred her to her own room as she was foaming at the mouth. Elexia was placed on a sats machine and her oxygen levels were low so she was placed on an oxygen machine, still not taking her bottles, i was so worried. Later that night Elexia started to take her feed and didnt need quite as much oxygen, things looked liked they were improving.
Day 56 - 21st Dec - The doctor came round and Elexia had been off the oxygen and was feeding very well, he examined her chest and said she was breathing to deep and he would come back and assess her later. But during this time Elexia went from being fine to being on the oxygen and being fed by a tube
my poor little princess, the doctor came around again but said he would assess her in the morning so it was a full day and night in the hospital. During Elexias stay in room 7, ward B10 the local rugby team came to visit handing out christmas presents, Elexia got a little wolf teddy, i thought this was lovely. During the day she was being closely monitored. By 10pm, Elexia was very hungry but wasnt due for another 30mins down the tube so they said i could try a bottle and she drank a full 3oz's. Throughout the night she was gradually getting better and drinking bottles. During the night the oxygen was graually decreased
Day 57 - 22nd Dec - When the doctor came around, she decided to turn Elexia's oxygen off but it was abit to early and it had to be switch back on
Elexia was still feeding well. Later on they tried again to turn the oxygen and this time Elexia responded well. A few hours later the doctor came back around, he looked at Elexia's patient folder and listen to her chest, he decided Elexia could go home
we were given a 48hour emergency telephone number just incase we needed it. Since we have been home Elexia has had 2 3oz's and just had a 4oz bottle.
Heres a pic of my princess once the tubes have been removed x x