My list of baby things to buy...

Yeah (:
I dono, I wont havw to fold it up much as wer eill be living is walking distance to all my familly.
I dont drive and wont have to get busses to see friends as the town is walking distance too :)
Hopefully itll be good.
HollyHobby said:
jazzmum2be said:
• Moses basket - £50

No totally wrong. Unless have loads of money to burn!!!! I dont know what shops youre basing this on but how can you afford all this when most married working people dont even spend this amount?

I would be going round the charity shops and stocking up on things more 50p for a jacket not £10.
They are only in them at most for 12 weeks.

babies dont need half the stuff on your list.
I would look at it again and se what you can do without and what you can realistically afford, and bear in mind that most of that stuff isonyl going to be used for 12 weeks then you have the next 12 weeks to buy for etc.

you really think she's over estimating? Suppose diff people for diff circumstances but personally her prices are similar and in some places cheaper than what we're spending.

i will admit i am going slightly overboard because it's my first and perhaps I wont use as much stuff. But I see it as a future investment. Can be used for future children etc... I personally dont fancy going to charity shops but thats just me. I guess you can get some good bargains

Yeah my list was based on everything from
I think it is nice to have new stuff, especially the pushchair and things youll use for fouture children.
Baby grows and mittens im not too fused on because I no they grow out of them.
Baby bath and things they need when there very young I think charity shops & If i do see a cot on ebay etc for half the price then great, but it is nice to spoil them :D
its up to you how much u spend hun, if you've got the money to do it then fair enough

i know i bought a ton of really cheap baby grows only to decide i didnt like then at all, and found some better ones in the sale, for me its been all about buying things when you spot them.
I agree though as nice as it is to buy tons of new stuff for your new baby half of it doesnt get used i went way ott with my 1st and it felt such a waste getting all these things and if i did use them only a hanful of times. Such as my baby bath i used it a few times before i decided what a hassle it was to fill it and empty it each time didnt take long before i used the normal bath :lol: Im lucky this time i still have most stuff from DD otherwise it'd have cost me a fortune. I definately agree with places like e-bay though ive had tons of stuff from there ie: clothes etc and at fab prices too! :cheer:
yehh i think tht wen its ur first u do go overboard but like u say u can use the stuff again 4 future kids.
i think 6 babygrows for £20 a bit dear 4 how long there in them theres sum nice 1's in asda 4 £5 for 6
iv spent a fortune alredi and im only 4months with my first.but i c it has wen uv only got the 1 u can spoil them maybee when theres a few thn cut bk but i dotn c the harm there only babies 4 a while y not spoil them xxx
I dont think your list is that bad after all luv :hug: :hug: :hug:

The cotbed is a lovely idea but you can get next to new ones on ebay a little cheaper if you still want one.

Charity shops are ok for some bits but even some of them charge too much, so i would say if your on a budget to try car boot sales if you have any near you?

As its your first and your having a generous pressie at christmas, i would be excited too and want some new things for baby too.

I certainly think it is very unfair to comment on your age and position, If you have the funds to buy your baby some new bits and thats what you want to do then go for it i say :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xx
kayzee said:
I dont think your list is that bad after all luv :hug: :hug: :hug:

The cotbed is a lovely idea but you can get next to new ones on ebay a little cheaper if you still want one.

Charity shops are ok for some bits but even some of them charge too much, so i would say if your on a budget to try car boot sales if you have any near you?

As its your first and your having a generous pressie at christmas, i would be excited too and want some new things for baby too.

I certainly think it is very unfair to comment on your age and position, If you have the funds to buy your baby some new bits and thats what you want to do then go for it i say :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xx

I couldnt agree more hun! I know ive bought far to much for my little man but thats the joy of having a baby! I think EVERYONE will have gone overboard with somethings... its nice to be prepared!
i just want to add that i think its lovely to see you so excited! You are getting this money from your dad for christmas and already you are thinking about what you can buy with it for your baby. I think you are gonna make a fab mum hun!!

Hey I am just thinking practicle here. It would be so easy to get £1,000 and go overboard buying new but from reading her circumstances it's not the best of advice really.
If the baby is going to be in a hostel then nice things could be nicked for one. Wouldnt the money be better spent on other things like food and bills rather than a really expensive pair of baby shoes?
Life isnt cheap and its easy to get carried away on a fantasy where new babies are concerned, everything is too cute!

That £1,000 would be better spread out over a year rather than thinking for the first 3 months when money is going to be very tight.

I could splash out thousands but I don't see the point, and I especially wouldnt if my circumstances where different.

Jazz I know its exciting, but please think practical :hug:
I no what your saying and im definatly going to be looking around car boots etc for second had things.
Im just excited and want the best for bubs :cheer:
I know you do :hug:

btw babygros £3.75 for 3 in Asda which isnt bad :wink:
and i dont htink you had scratch mitts on your list, I paid £1 for 3 in Wilkinson
HollyHobby said:
I know you do :hug:

btw babygros £3.75 for 3 in Asda which isnt bad :wink:
and i dont htink you had scratch mitts on your list, I paid £1 for 3 in Wilkinson

Ooo The baby grows sound good (:
I havent thought of places like asda and stuff, they have some pretty good deals on sometime (:
if you're going to buy the cheap tesco/asda ones PLEASE dont do what my mate did bought 12 of them, only to wash them and find they shrink badly! perhaps buy a couple and do a test wash lol
so far i have reusable nappies, moses basket, baby bath, toys, mobile, some boys clothes (I am team green tho), baby changing unit, 3 wheeler buggy
total spend £30
I am well into freecycle :D, also have had bits from friends and brought the buggy from my sisters friend for £30

my mums buying me the pram and cot

plan to keep on accumulating stuff from freecycle and taking up offers from friends :D

totally understand mums who wanna get all there stuff from new, Im just the other end of the spectrum :D
I am going to try and get things easy to clean like baby bath etc on ebay or second hand, but i really want anything like clothes, blankets or anything that will touch babys skin new. I cant help it, its how I feel, dont know what pets people have had or if they have been smokers...
Am really excited and have crazy list - it started practical but keep seeing things i like and adding to it - BTW, I think the prices on the list are right for new, they are exactly what I have :)
i've stopped buying baby clothes now ... and i've started on toys :wall: we had them 3 for 2 at work, with 22% staff discount so im trying not to feel too guilty
I think it's good to over estimate as there will always be extra 'hidden costs'

If you wanted to be able to buy nice things, new, with money not being too much of an issue (hypothetically!) what would your estimate be for the first year?

Hubby and I worked out 10K for the first year.
Well done for making a list -very organised. I know lots of people have said that you don't need all of what's on the list but it's still fun thinking about all those lovely things you could buy. I think i will do a list too and try to pick up a few bargains in the January sales. Happy shopping everyone!

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