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Baby Equipment List

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I thought I would post this for those who are still thinking of what they need to buy. The feeding bit it more geared towards breastfeeding as that's what I plan to do alongside expressing - hence the bottle stuff. Back up is a good plan so it can be used for formula too.

Baby Bath - £15
Baby towels x2 - £20
Baby flannels x2 with above
Soft hairbrush - £ 2
Nail clippers - £2
Thermometer - £5

Changing mat - £10
Changing bag - £20
Nappy sacks - £2

Baby bath wash
Baby soap
Baby shampoo
Newborn nappies
Newborn+1 nappies
Baby wipes
White cotton wool balls and pads
Baby lotion
Breast Pads
(Didn't price these up as they are pretty basic and will prob cost about £40 in total? I put an extra size up of nappies as you don't know how big your little one (or not so little one!) could be. Prem baby nappies too just in case of early labouring or a tiny baby).

Cot - £100
Mattress - £30
Moses basket/stand - £60
Bed sheets x2 - £10
Baby monitor - £30
Mobile - £20
Blanket x2 - £2
Cot bumper - £20

Six vests - £10
Six babygros - £20
Three jumpers/cardigans - £20
Seven pairs of socks - £10
2 pairs of bootees - £5
2 hats - £5
4 pairs of scratch mitts - £3
All in one coat - £20
(My baby is due in the winter so taylor to your needs. Outfits are usally bought by other people I've found so I haven't included them in the budget - although I no dount will buy one or two!)

Out and about
Rear facing car seat - £100
Baby sling (?) - £30
Pram (baby must lie flat) - £150(ish)
(May not need car seat if
you get travel system pram. i.e car seat included.)

Three nursing bra’s - £60
Breast Pump - £25
Four bottles - £10
Bottle steriliser - £40
Bottle warmer - £20
Teats - £5
Bottle brush - £4

Baby bouncer £30
Dummies £10

Forehead Thermometer - £5
Baby calpol - £5

God that took forever!! Copy and paste didn't work due to the way I had set it out on Word - so I had to cut and paste a section at a time! Don't know if I have gone way overboard or even missed stuff out others found essential - but it might help those who asked for this from me :D (Also have 'what to take into hospital' list ready! :lol: )

Hope you're all doing well xx
Thanks Sami

I appreciate the time and effort you put into doing that, its really kind of you :)

That is so much stuff for such a little person lol I keep trying to think that I will just get essentials but when you actually read through the list you can't see anything that you wouldn't use!

When do you think the time is right to start buying things? It's a tricky one isn't it?, one minute it seems too early for me to shop then the next minute I'm half way through my pregnancy and starting to panic about it!

That's a great list and will help loads of us!


I think I will start shopping for the baby when I am about 4 months pregnant (woo a month till I can go shopping!!!) - sounds fun eh! So about 16 weeks I guess. Hope to have the nursery done 3 months before baby is due so that all the paint fumes will be well and truely gone before the baby eventually sleeps in there - don't want it getting poisoned by the fumes :( . Think I will buy big things like the cot and pram when I have moved house - probably again at about 6 months. Just incase little one decides to put in an early appearance I'd like everything ready by the time I am 7 months PG. So 4 months to sort things I guess. Wow seems scary now I've said that :shock:

Bloody Nora - I'm having a baby :shock: Wow -sorry the shock is hitting me today (again)! I'm gonna be a mummy! :shock: :D
lol Know what you mean, sometimes I get so wrapped up with being pregnant I forget it means I'm actually going to have a baby!

I wanted to ask if anyone knows about doplers? I want to buy one and I looked in the argos catalogue today but the only one they sell says suitable from 21 weeks. Is there anywhere I can buy one from to start using now? I haven't even heard my babies heart beat at the hospital yet!


Lou :)
www.mybump.com - I warn you they are expensive and you may just want to hire one for a while. You can use this doppler from 10 weeks or sometimes earlier (heard my baby at 10 weeks with this one). I am hiring for one month for recent reassurance needed and I am flying to Spain next Monday so will take it there then for reasurance again. they are wel worth the money. Check the site out though. They are very good dopplers.

Ebay do some dopplers but they pick up the hearbeat later on - Hi-Bebe (they are on Ebay too) pick then up quite later on too sometimes. At 18 weeks any of these should be fine though. (Love my mybump.com one though!)

HTH xx
Excellent, thanks for that I'll check out the website laters :)

Thanks for the list Sami - I've copied it into Excel so that I can add the items that we're thinking about and get an idea of the total cost (over £1000 for starters!!).

You didn't put in a high chair, but maybe because you won't need one immediately and are only thinking of the initial necessities. I want to get a Stokke Tripp Trapp chair as they are brilliant. My younger sisters have been using theirs since they were tiny and they're still using them now they are 18!! I guess they're quite expensive to begin with, but they really will last a lifetime.

I was talking with my partner about travel systems the other day and he reckons - he's already dealt with two babies - that the systems aren't great because the car seat part is quite heavy, so you're better off with a car seat that stays in the car and then you can get a lighter push chair which is easier to manouver.
Hi I am going to start a new thread called.."what I've bought". The idea is that we can all post the equipment we have bought with the place we got it from and the price we paid so we can share bargains and give eachother ideas.

Hope this thread doesn't already exist! I will check first!

Lou :)
Don't think it does Lou - good idea.

Skidoo - I haven't put the high chair in there yet no as I probably won't get one till babe is 6 months old. Those chairs do seem a good idea - but on a budget it may be a struggle.

As for the travel system - the reason we pick that one is coz it works better with our lifestyle and living in a villiage we have to drive to go shopping. If baby is asleep I don't want to ruin the trip by waking them up! Or maybe I'm just a design freak - I like the look of them too :lol: Don't like the 3-wheeler ones no more as they have tires which can pop.

Still not got anything 'constructive' yet! :lol: Just a few clothes sets here and there.
Life style does make a difference.

I live in London and hate driving so I want a buggy that's easy to manouvre and easy to lug about, but you're right - the travel systems do look v. cool and with your situation make more sense.

The chair is excellent, but it is expensive and there are definitely cheaper alternatives if you're on a budget.
Hi Sami, good idea with the list thing, I wrote a list very early on so I could get everything organised and budget everything! I did however if you dont mind think of a few bits you missed and a couple of ammends if you dont mind, just things you might like to consider!

1. Sudocream, if your using disposable nappies or one way liners, a barrier cream is not recomended as the nappies are now designed for moisture to pass through the barrier and are then locked away, using a cream blocks this up and stops it from working properly. soyour better off just cleaning the babys bum and drying throughly before putting back into a nappy.

2. Sheets, buy fitted and flat sheets (to go over the mattress and then over the baby before putting on blankets) and also waterproof sheets recomended to prevent a wet or soiled mattress!

3. Cot Bumper, all though they look cute, like duvets they are not recomended for babies under 12months as they can get tangled in them, plus with a baby foot to toe in a cot they wont be anywhere near the bumper end for it to be of any benefit.

4. What about Toys!!! A really soft teaddy, some bright coloured toys that make noises like a rattle, an in breakable mirror and anything else to stimulate the senses!

Then how about a section of things for New Mums as well as new babies, I have just done myself a list of things I need for me, during labour and post natally.

Nighties - suitable for labour and front opening for skin to skin contact and breast feeding at night.
nipple cream
breast bads/nipple shields
disposable knickers
maternety pads
face water spritz - aparently a great aid during labour
Rasberry leaf tablets (for 36week onwards)
Birth Ball - helps with posture and back ache towards the end and helps gear the pelvis up for labour and get the babies head to engage. (only £4 from Argos)
So far my whoopin spending spree consists of, wait yes a whole two teddies, lol. I plan on savin for the next mth aget a few hundred togther along with the few hundred that he is submittin we can go on a shoppin spree togther, yeahhhh cant wait.

bec x x

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