This article is just so negative and depressing. Did it really need to be posted? Could you not let people know your alternative way to helping a child to sleep instead? I'm sure it would be appreciated as I'm sure CC is not anyone's first port of call?
I have, in fact, done this on numerous occasions in other threads.
To TORino, unknowingly you've said something hilariously ironic. No one I know is a bigger fan of NHS guidelines than I and my mother is a health visitor and paediatric nurse so I actually generally follow the NHS like the Bible. As has already been quoted, CC is NOT recommended under 7 months and I'm amazing when some hv DO recommend it under 7 months because there isn't enough research out there to state whether or not it does harm. In my view, it is not worth risking there being harm.
I have never, nor will ever, judge a parent for using CC. I think the
technique is wrong and there should be more education on when and how to use it successfully (focusing particularly on it only being appropriate for older babies who are developed enough to understand).
I posted the article because, regardless of spelling or grammar, it highlighted
to me how this practice wouldn't be accepted if it was done to adult, yet is readily accepted when doing it to a baby. There are varying degrees of the technique and at no point have I said anybody on this forum would do this extreme level but it
can happen and that use of the technique is wrong.
Perhaps we should all take a step back and be a little less sensitive. It's a forum, not judge and jury.