My gas and air experience.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Now everyone reacts differently to the drugs but ill explain how i felt on gas and air while its in my mind.

* Before gas and air while 5cm (entering the hospital)

I could count and breath through the early pains but towards the end of the hour i was shouting into a pillow and bent over the bed during. Painful.

* After gas and air (5-6 cm) on birthing ball
I was given my nossle took about ten breaths and did this face.... :D
between contractions not breathing gas and air chatting to DH during silent but breathing gas and air- pain enough to make me say to Dh 'that hurt a bit' but no more screaming, midwifes asked if pain was more intense and i had to tell them i didnt know. could continue to bounce and move not bent over in pain anymore.

On gas and air i knew the pain was there but i couldnt give a flying fek... i wasnt stopping the gas and air to find out though.

Updating facebook, singing and dancing to 'thrift shop' song that was on the radio on the way to hospital.

* Waters breaking (6-10cm) up on the bed
Asked if i wanted any more pain relif told them i would wait to see if the gas and air stopped working she said it wouldnt but i didnt have any just incase (that is how my brain works on that stuff)
Waters broke and to 10 cm immediatly got off the bed. Again chatting between contractions, quiet and covering my face with my hands leant over the bed during, pain there but again not enough to upset me, more intence pressure feeling.

*Having baby (on bed again)
Pushed taking gas and air fine baby crowns after a few pushes, head out -- screamed for that bit, hurt enough for me to bite down on the nozzle forgetting to breath until i was told to breath and then gas and air took the pain away. head out - cord was around the kneck told to stop, now that was painful and difficult because its fighting every urge to push... panicked more than felt the pain though. Baby born!

All done. . . that is 100% honest how i found gas and air. Im a soft person too no tattoo's etc... im lucky that it works for me... one thing i found is start taking it as soon as you get a niggle because it takes some breaths to start feeling the effect. One contraction i didnt think it worked but it was because i took it too late because i was mid conversation.

Oh and dont update facebook while on it- i ended up putting some rubbish!
I really liked the gas and air, it really got me through well, I was actually hallucinating at one point though. I took it out of my mouth and was convinced my mouth was stretched ten times it's size, could have been linked to what was happening "downstairs"
When i had my 1st i was imagining purple elephants and singing wiggle wiggle wiggle fromsexy and i know it song... while having my stitches done lol x
Love G&A!

When I went in (after being in early labour for 36 hours) the MW that assessed me could see I was in pain so she wheeled in the G&A.

I felt amazing after a few puffs, could not believe how I managed without the precious stuff. I was 5cm too before any of that magic gas... I felt pissed but in a good way and I was babbling away.

MW even told OH to have a try - she said she knows most blokes try it when MW is out of the room anyway :lol:

I have to be honest though it stopped working for me and it did make me sick at one point.

I had a shot of Pethidine after getting stuck at 6cm and that stuff was another level, it only lasted 15 minutes for me but they were the best 15 minutes of my labour. Just kidding!! But pethidine was great....

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I will be blatantly honest about what I thought of gas n air... It was like the worlds biggest joint! Ive not smoked it since my teens but good god it brought back memories lol
Gas and air was great for the half hour I was contracting on it. Once I got into pushing (and I had over 3 hours of pushing) it was a hindrance and in the end the midwife suggested we did without. Baby was out in a short while after that.

I would definitely use it again.

It didn't work for me tbh! I never got the knack of using it right and having the thing in my mouth just annoyed me lol!
I distinctly remember taking out of my mouth, to ask the nurse if I was doing it right and I sounded like Louis Armstrong. Everyone fell about laughing, I took tht as a yes :)
I loved gas and air too (eventually)

It made me feel very very sick first ... Like I had had a hefty drinking session. I threw up a few times then I was given an anti sickness jab and was fine after that

I don't know if it helped with the pain ... But it made the pain more manageable as it forces you to breathe through it.

When I started getting pushing pressure I couldn't catch my breath to even breath it in ... That bit hurt!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
I don't think I used it when pushing?? Can't remember to be honest.

Yep to that ladies that said it felt like being stoned. I've not been stoned since I was about 21 but that's what it was like (I always hated being stoned though??)

Also I had diamorphine, not pethidine (same thing, different name I think??)

Nope diamorphine and pethidine are two different drugs, both morphine derivatives. Diamorphine is actually heroin, which might shock you!
I loved gas and air too :) makes me laugh when your voice goes deep. Sounds weird. Unless that only happens to me.
Don't like it for pushing, I found it too distracting.

I don't think a lot of people know diamorphine is heroin.
Nope diamorphine and pethidine are two different drugs, both morphine derivatives. Diamorphine is actually heroin, which might shock you!


I was so anti pethidine / diamorphine that I was so surprised to find myself begging for it.

I was 45 hours in though, hadn't slept or eaten for days and had just been put on drip plus had my waters broken so I felt I needed a break. Two smart arse dr's came in and told me I "needed" an EPI but I refused.

Diamorphine was so trippy, I've never done more than smoked weed BUT this was the most buzzed I've ever felt. Only lasted a little while though. It was a nice respite from labour but not something I want to do at the weekend ?? LOL!

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Gas and air! :love:
I don't remember this but apparently I was saying to OH 'I've got whiskers!' and scrunching my face up lol
It really helped me get through 5-10cms!

Thanks red bear, I really want to only use gas and air and this helps to know what to expect!

I've put in my birth plan that I wanna stick with g&a as much as possible and only opt for an epidural if I can't cope and find the pain unbearable, realy wanna avoid pethidine/diamorphone as I dont wanna be totally "out of it"

I loved gas and air too. Worked so well for me in both my labours. I used it all through pushing and especially when they checked ofr tears cause omfg that stings like a biatch xx
Thanks red bear, I really want to only use gas and air and this helps to know what to expect!

I've put in my birth plan that I wanna stick with g&a as much as possible and only opt for an epidural if I can't cope and find the pain unbearable, realy wanna avoid pethidine/diamorphone as I dont wanna be totally "out of it"


There is a big difference between gas and air and epidural hun. They generally don't give epidurals unless its really necessary as they need to get the anaesthetist in to do it, and they do knock u out apparently. I was screaming for one but did it all on gas and air due to how quickly things happened. I would have a third choice ready ie pethidine just in case.


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