My gas and air experience.

Thank you for this! As a first and only time mummy, i;m crapping self at pain of birth!! i do calming breathing excercises anyhoo, so g & a sounds right up my street!! I liked smoking dope in me younger days, so to be stoned thru labour would be frickin awesome!! :dance:

Got morphine lined up-legal heroin-i'll give it a go!!! No option of epidurals in our wee hospital-nearest place is inverness, so hell yes to the morhpine!!!!

*mental note to avoid facebook whilst off me face*
Well looks like I'm the person who is going to piss all over the party and say G&A did absolutely NOTHING for me. Tried it for an hour it didn't take the pain away at all so ended up doing the whole thing without any pain relief (begged for an epi but by the time they came to do it I was 9.5cm after an incredibly fast labour so they wouldn't do it.) As I was being stitched up she told me to puff on it while she injected the local anaethestic and when I told her I wasn't going to bother as it didn't work, she said that apparently there is a very small % of women who are highly resistant to the effects. Just my luck that was me. I was really looking forward to getting high for free at the NHS's expense. All my mummy friends had raved about how amazing it was - I was most disappointed...
:( shame you missed out! The thought of not having any pain relief at all though.... Oh boy! I guess when it happens so quick there's no choice though. I'm really hoping I can do water pool and g & a this time but I'll try anything if I need to lol
I only had a giggle after the first puff and thats it. I want whiskers too

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Amazing stuff - i remember telling everyone i had platypus fingers - dunno why lol, but thats what i thought!
Thanks red bear, I really want to only use gas and air and this helps to know what to expect!

I've put in my birth plan that I wanna stick with g&a as much as possible and only opt for an epidural if I can't cope and find the pain unbearable, realy wanna avoid pethidine/diamorphone as I dont wanna be totally "out of it"


There is a big difference between gas and air and epidural hun. They generally don't give epidurals unless its really necessary as they need to get the anaesthetist in to do it, and they do knock u out apparently. I was screaming for one but did it all on gas and air due to how quickly things happened. I would have a third choice ready ie pethidine just in case.


Thanks for the tip hun, I need to re-mention this to my midwife as when I went thru my birth plan and she said it seemed fine. I can understand i won't be able to click my fingers and get it, but I really hope the gas and air is enough??? I guess I can ask the mw to let me know at the last point of having one and I can decide before the option is no longer available, can they do that???

The best way to do things is go in, see how you are without and move onto gas and air when its too much, then see how far you go with the gas and air and move onto pethadine or something, soo how long you go with that and then ask for the epi -- I think not putting pressure on to not use something and having it as a back up means its easier to last longer without. You can ask for it later on depending on how long your labour is, and if your too far to have it then your almost there and baby will be out soon and you probably dont need it!! xx
The best way to do things is go in, see how you are without and move onto gas and air when its too much, then see how far you go with the gas and air and move onto pethadine or something, soo how long you go with that and then ask for the epi -- I think not putting pressure on to not use something and having it as a back up means its easier to last longer without. You can ask for it later on depending on how long your labour is, and if your too far to have it then your almost there and baby will be out soon and you probably dont need it!! xx

Thanks hun, in an ideal world G&A will be enough but it's my first baby so who knows how I'll

Ur right, I think just keeping an open mind is best and see how I go!

Yeh just dont put stress on yourself i hate to see women who are determined to have no pain relif feel dissapointed when they need more- as long as baby gets here it doesnt matter what you use to do it! x
The best way to do things is go in, see how you are without and move onto gas and air when its too much, then see how far you go with the gas and air and move onto pethadine or something, soo how long you go with that and then ask for the epi -- I think not putting pressure on to not use something and having it as a back up means its easier to last longer without. You can ask for it later on depending on how long your labour is, and if your too far to have it then your almost there and baby will be out soon and you probably dont need it!! xx

Agree with this totally - that's how i played it last time. Gas and air was great to a point, then i needed something more, so went on to pethidine. By the end i remember screaming for an epi - against all my previous wishes - but thankfuly it was too late for that and was time to push - so didnt have far left after that as it was time to push. x
The best way to do things is go in, see how you are without and move onto gas and air when its too much, then see how far you go with the gas and air and move onto pethadine or something, soo how long you go with that and then ask for the epi -- I think not putting pressure on to not use something and having it as a back up means its easier to last longer without. You can ask for it later on depending on how long your labour is, and if your too far to have it then your almost there and baby will be out soon and you probably dont need it!! xx

Agree with this totally - that's how i played it last time. Gas and air was great to a point, then i needed something more, so went on to pethidine. By the end i remember screaming for an epi - against all my previous wishes - but thankfuly it was too late for that and was time to push - so didnt have far left after that as it was time to push. x

Apparently its really common to go through a 'i cant do this' stage when they can and are doing it, and ask for things they wouldnt want, if there so far then they have done all the labour all ready! xx
The best way to do things is go in, see how you are without and move onto gas and air when its too much, then see how far you go with the gas and air and move onto pethadine or something, soo how long you go with that and then ask for the epi -- I think not putting pressure on to not use something and having it as a back up means its easier to last longer without. You can ask for it later on depending on how long your labour is, and if your too far to have it then your almost there and baby will be out soon and you probably dont need it!! xx

Agree with this totally - that's how i played it last time. Gas and air was great to a point, then i needed something more, so went on to pethidine. By the end i remember screaming for an epi - against all my previous wishes - but thankfuly it was too late for that and was time to push - so didnt have far left after that as it was time to push. x

Apparently its really common to go through a 'i cant do this' stage when they can and are doing it, and ask for things they wouldnt want, if there so far then they have done all the labour all ready! xx

Its the transition stage - i was screaming for an epidural but it was too late. Pushing is actually a very different sensation to.contractions.
I definitely agree with open mind as i had an epi with my first and it was great.
Everybody gets the same result - a baby, there are no.medals to be won

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Am I the only one who hated G&A?

I didn't need it with Jack as I had an epi but Harry was a completely natural labour and I took one puff and hated the taste plus I couldn't breathe, suck and concentrate at the same time.

I refused it after the first puff and the MW's said they'd never seen anyone refuse it before. The senior MW actually said 'but everyone loves gas and air'!! Not me! lol x
Am I the only one who hated G&A?

I didn't need it with Jack as I had an epi but Harry was a completely natural labour and I took one puff and hated the taste plus I couldn't breathe, suck and concentrate at the same time.

I refused it after the first puff and the MW's said they'd never seen anyone refuse it before. The senior MW actually said 'but everyone loves gas and air'!! Not me! lol x

You must be!! It's amazing stuff! Can't wait to use it again ;-)

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013
Ah, that sounds pretty good! I didn't have gas and air and kind of want to know what it's like now. I had no pain relief whatsoever! They offered me a few puffs at it when they stitched me up afterwards, but I didn't really bother. Maybe next time! x
I managed hypobirthing upto about 5-6cm then opted for G&A as I was getting tired. I told DH and my mum that I felt like I was in a psychedelic cartoon!

It worked wonders for me and got me through being taken to hospital by emergency ambulance, episiotomy and exhaustion. I can't believe I did it by myself and with G&A only.
^^ Well done hun it must have done something for you! They could cut off my arm on that stuff, i mean i had stitches terrified of needles and didnt bother.... my DH did an impression of me in labour it went 'puff puff puff ow' i just looked at him and said 'you make it sound like i was mortisha' xx
It felt like g and a didnt have a huge effect, but I couldn't do a contraction without having the nozzle in my mouth and biting down to go through contraction
Felt like I was in control and that was my controlled bit and I know for sure the breathing was helping, they told me not to use it when pushing as I wouldn't push as hard with it in

Amazed I did on just gas and air though, thought I'd wimp out
It felt like g and a didnt have a huge effect, but I couldn't do a contraction without having the nozzle in my mouth and biting down to go through contraction
Felt like I was in control and that was my controlled bit and I know for sure the breathing was helping, they told me not to use it when pushing as I wouldn't push as hard with it in

Amazed I did on just gas and air though, thought I'd wimp out

This is how I felt, I do t think it made a grey difference to the pain but gave me something to concentrate on other than my back splitting in two! :lol:

Couple of times I thought I was puffing and the midwife pointed out the nozzle wasn't in my mouth!

One thing I would say I it makes you sick don't give up on it I was really ill with it but they gave me an anti sickness jab and I was fine then

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Remember ladies you need to start using it before a contraction so it has chance to kick in apparently thats why a lot dont think it works because they use it when the contaction has already started so it doesnt kick in before the pain. xx

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