G&A question for those who have had it...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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When i was younger i had a couple of ops which i had gas and air for. But i remember it made me very sick. Is this likely to happen again? Did gas and air make you feel sick at all? Thnks.xx
G&A made me feel sick both times hunny, but i would still use it again as it helps so much x x
I dont think it made me feel sick, I wasfeeling sick later on.They say you can feel sick in labour anyway
I was sick on my first puff of it but after that I was fine. I suppose you won't know until you're there, just try it and see how you go, if it makes you feel ill leave it x
It did make me feel a little bit sick if I had too much of it, but then I would just take a little break and would feel fine again in a min.

I heard that some people feel absolutely fine, and some feel really sick, so I'm afraid it does depend on your personal body reaction. I'd say if you felt very sick before, you are likely to feel the same again... Sorry, I guess it's not very encouraging. Still worth a try though! xx
I felt drunk and a cloudy head :/ don't know if it helped or was just something or me to concentrate on :/ xx

i only took a couple of breaths with paige as it made me too sick xx
I didn't feel sick at all just very very drunk (about 4 large glasses of wine would be an accurate description) and also it made my body tingle. When I really puffed away at it when I was having my stitches done it also gave me auditory hallucinations (ie. I kept hearing people repeating themselves!) and I didn't remember a thing of the actual stitching. No wonder the midwifes kept telling me to ease off the G&A in between contractions or I wouldn't remember giving birth :shock:.
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I'd have some now if I could! It was great and didn't make me feel sick at all, I even had some after LO was born, just to see what it was like when i wasn't in pain - my bad?! Sounds like everyone is different though.
I wasn't sick on it just felt very drink and fuzzy headed !! Love the stuff !! Xxx
had it with both births - loved it - didn't want to give it back - wish u could but it lol!!!
I hear that if it does make you sick at first just persevere with it as it is supposed to ease when you regulate your use of it. I am sensitive about stuff like that so had the same concerns x
Dry mouth but no sickness x

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I was very sick during and after labour, but I put that down to having pethidine, although I did have G&A too (AND an epidural, I had all the drugs!!! :shock:) so thinking about it, the sickness was probably a side effect of all of them! x
I remember having gas & air when I was going under general, as well as the injection, and I always used to love the feeling, but when I was in labour it did nothing for my pain at all and made me feel so out of control I really didn't like it at all. I remember being really upset because I'd looked forward to that part of labour all through my pregnancy lol

Edit - meant to say under general for operations when I was younger! Oops
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I was warned it would, but it didnt at all. Made me feel like I was tipsy, made my voice sound deep and I was giggly as hell. Loved it. xx
oh it made me feel like my voice was really low, so I just laughed on it , felt drunk it was great!

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