My friend is starting to do my head in


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
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ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH! I moaned about this in relationships. Shes 5 weeks behind me and keeps saying "babe, you huge, cant beleive your so big" and commenting about stretchmarks and the fact she has none. She so concerned about gaining weight its doing my head selfish? She was being all smug and saying how much have you gained? I was like about 18lbs..that shut her up as she has gained about 3 stone! I am just getting so annoyed with it now. I told her, i didnt look like this 5 weeks ago, your going to have a shock when you start gaining some real weight. Anyway i dont think she is talking to me now because i snapped and said "My babies health is more important to me than how much i weigh or how many stretchmarks i have, its about time you stopped being so selfish" What a twat.
Good for you i agree, who cares as long as bubs is ok in there, you can loose it all after! She is daft and needs to prioritise. :D
me and my friend had our babies 5 weeks apart too and she turned into a bit of a bitch! my son had to be born early cos we were both very poorly and all she could say was that I was so lucky as she still had to be pregnant! I pointed out that i would much rather have gone full term and not nearly lost my son which shut her up for all of five minutes!
I would say shes just jealous cos your gonna get to meet your baby first. She'll get over it
All i can say is she is probably feeling shit about herself so it makes her feel better trying to put you down, ignore it hun you have the right idea about it all not her :hug:
nazmomi said:
me and my friend had our babies 5 weeks apart too and she turned into a bit of a bitch! my son had to be born early cos we were both very poorly and all she could say was that I was so lucky as she still had to be pregnant! I pointed out that i would much rather have gone full term and not nearly lost my son which shut her up for all of five minutes!
I would say shes just jealous cos your gonna get to meet your baby first. She'll get over it

I never thought of it like that. She makes very bitchy comments everytime we speak when i am nothing but happy for her! She even critises when i am going on Maternity leave saying i am having too much time off before the birth (i finish 4 weeks b4 i am due! And have to move house!)
Glad you and your boy are Ok :hug:
Exactly! She has tried for a baby for 2 years...surely you would think she would be doing everything exactly by the book and be scared of harming her LO!
Some people :roll:
:clap: :clap: :clap: Well done for saying something!
As long as you're looking after yourself then there's nothing she can really put you down on. She's just being picky to make herself feel better.
Jeeez what is up with people :roll:
My work colleague is five weeks behind me,and simply said " I dont have to have the GTT, but then I havent put on as much weight as you" :roll: (I had to have it coz of family history so she got that wrong the eejit)
Piss off :wall:

Dont worry hun, I think your bump looks perfect, just ignore her if all she can come up with is negativity :hug:
Some people are really stupid.. There is a new girl in another department who met me in the kitchen and said: " oh hi, how are you mummy? How long do you have to go? I told her that nearly 3 months and she said: " wow, you are huge.. are you sure it's not twins? " I laughed it off but the more I see her now I want to slap her for that comment :evil: I have only started wearing maternity clothes recently so it's unlikely I can be that huge ! :wall:
Is she still going on??? I read your thread in relationships and will say the same here as i said in there.. i totally agree with what you are saying. I must admit i do kind of get frustrated when people go on about whether you have stretch marks yet. OK they arent pleasant but i really couldnt give a damn as long as the baby is healthy! Im not the most tolerant of people when it comes to things like that as there are far worse things in life than a couple of marks on your belly or boobs!

Claire x
Ignore her hun :hug: I'm with you on this one, it doesn't matter how much weight we put on or what happens to us physically as long as our LO's are healthy :hug:
doesnt sound like a very good friend to me, sounds like you could live without friends like her :D
Good for you for snapping at her hun! :clap: What an idiot!
People seem to be insensitive arses when it comes to pregnancy and seem to think it's ok to throw their opinions round withouth thinking. It's really annoying! :roll:

My sister is doing my head in at the moment. I'm being induced early and any time we talk about it she just has to mention that I'll probably end up having a c-section. It's like she thinks cos it happened to her, it'll happen to me. Silly moo!

Ignore your 'friend'. She sounds like a right superficial bint.

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